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News image 7f0d2b9282944626918b819d7565526b Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: More chances at competition
Basketball continues to dominate the headlines with more chances and experiences gained for St Andrews children. Our older swimmers had their first meet of the year. And we check in on the amazing progress in golf and tennis.
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News image News Default Image Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Dipping into competition
Primary Sport action coming thick and fast! Our young athletes were in action again with more basketball and football, plus it was the turn of our swimmers in their first Meet of the Year!
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News image 69795970_10157448092039719_4756195935472582656_n Blog | sport | High School | Sport and PE
High School Sport: Warming up
As BISAC Season 1 kicks off, we look at some of the teams who will be beginning competitive action in the coming weeks.
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News image StAndrews18_405 Blog | sport | High School | Sport and PE
High School Sport: Getting involved
Taking a look at all the opportunity to take part after try out week.
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News image pasted image 0 2 Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Come and try
Our PE team are ready for ‘Come and Try Week’ with more children wanting to be part of STA sport than ever before!
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News image IMG_4025 Blog | sport | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Embracing the challenges of a new year
More Sport and opportunities for our children than ever before. Sign up for the ‘Come and Try Week’ and be part of STA Sport.
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News image 190347croppedw1366h500of1FFFFFF60441ed75cbe444b9cb9902 Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: FOBISIA success in Phuket
Our FOBISIA children return after fun and success at the Games, plus our U9 basketball teams and young tennis stars prove the future is bright.
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News image IMG_1945 Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Friday Night Game fun
Our Primary School dancers and cheerleaders impress in final Friday Night Game. One of our biggest events of the year is upon us. FOBISIA children head out for their annual Games and we look forward to celebrating our children’s achievements at this year Sports Awards.
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News image 60226398_10161851373250061_3345300879543631872_n Blog | sport | High School | Sport and PE
High School Sport: Passion and commitment
Our volleyballers line up for some great game experience before being part of BISAC next year. Our basketball players show their passion for and commitment to the game by participating in the Youth Basketball Thailand tournament.
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News image IMG_1063 Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Balls, bats and balance beams
Years 4 and 5 work hard and have fun at their Sports Days and our footballers, teeballers and gymnasts continue to impress with some excellent results. Don’t miss out on the U11 Friday Night Game - come and join in the fun. Plus with FOBISIA nearly upon us please check the kit list for the trip!
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News image c4f2baa6bf5f4eeca0d78f1f63f7cf62 Blog | sport | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: A balanced team effort
Tennis, gymnastics, swimming and tee ball in one weekend. Find out how our STA athletes performed...
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News image 290419 sport 3 Blog | sport | Extracurricular Activities (ECAs) | Sport and PE | Student Work and Success
High School Sport: Stroking, spiking, and splashing our way to success
STA Marlins made a splash at the BISP Flying Fish 2019 competition...Our U15 Volleyball team took part in the BISAC Plate competition with some great results… The U15 Water Polo Team had a fantastic debut at the 2019 BISAC Festival...Our next Friday Night Game is coming soon, featuring our U11 ballers.
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News image IMG_0325 Blog | sport | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Action-packed Term 3 kicks off
Have a look back at all the action from the end of last term and look forward to all the action heading your way in Term 3.
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News image 4D0A0531 Blog | sport | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Girl power
Girls sport just keeps getting better and better! Our younger swimmers were in action and our athletes run, throw and jump to new levels at the BISAC Athletics meet.
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News image 53717370_10161625562935061_5293697310016929792_n Blog | sport | Sport and PE
High School Sport: Our athletes - great ambassadors for STA
Our ballers did us proud in Phuket at the end of the week with some impressive performances and proved what great ambassadors our athletes are for our school. Our U15 tennis team shines at BISAC, our U13 FOBISIA team sets off to challenge themselves against the best of the best and our Marlins swim their hearts out at BISAC.
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News image pasted image 0 90 News | sport | High School | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School | Sport and PE
STA golfers show complete game at FOBISIA
4 golfers from Primary and 8 from High School, impressively represented St Andrews International School Bangkok at the recent 2019 FOBISIA Golf Tournament.
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News image IMG_5463 Blog | sport | Performing Arts | Sport and PE
Dance: Reflections on Donna Costello’s Masterclass
Donna Costello, our Juilliard Dance Curriculum Specialist visited St Andrews International School Bangkok for the second time this year. Her two-day visit was packed with class demonstrations and observations, a special dance workshop with our Primary parents and masterclasses with our dance teams.
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News image IMG_9731 Blog | sport | Homepage Featured Article | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Depth and quality on display
50 of our U9 footballers test their skills in our latest football tournament and a huge number of Primary athletes impress in a myriad of different sports and tournaments.
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News image 53688880_2359887554045017_5251774679701520384_o Blog | sport | Sport and PE
Dance: KPIS Dance Competition
This week our STA Varsity Dance Team joined the KPIS Dance Competition for the first time.
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News image 4D0A9085 Blog | sport | Homepage Featured Article | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Marlin Mayhem - a celebration of swimming
STA gymnasts and swimmers hit new heights. Plus our girls football teams are on course for League Championships...
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