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News image 1 Nov 2021 Page Link Image02 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary School: Students are back with some powerful messages for world leaders!
It’s fabulous to see how quickly it has taken our students to adapt to school life following all the instructions from their teachers. Primary students send world leaders powerful messages about making changes to help the future of our planet. Finally, find out what Trashlucky will be doing to help empower our children to make a difference.
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News image 25 Oct 21 Page Link ImagePrimary School Blog | keystage2 | Primary School
Primary and Foundation Stage: Reflection on our VSE curriculum and looking forward!
Our Estates Team learn Makaton ready for on-campus learning. On Monday, we welcomed new students to Primary, as we look forward to seeing everyone else back in School! Finally, we reflect on our VSE curriculum made possible by the outstanding efforts of all in our community, teachers, parents, and students.
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News image page link ps Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary School: Virtual School Experience Highlights!
Year 1 experience the world through delightful aromas. Year 5 take inspiration from the Romans and also learn about light creating their own Periscopes. Year 4 produce ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ Dioramas!
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News image ps page link Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary School: FS3 grow rainbows, Year 2 explore bridges and Year 4 go to a chocolate factory.
FS3 get a taste of STEAM and grow rainbows at home, as Year 2 explore bridges and Year 4 emerge themselves into the world of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Learn more about the Year 4 teacher who has an extensive background in education and endurance events. Finally, don’t forget to get involved in the Eco-Beast house competition.
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News image ps Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary School: Socialising with After School Fun - Sports, music, jigsaws, coding, yoga and much more...
After school activities are an excellent way for STA children to be in a new setting outside of their VSE routines. It's a fantastic opportunity to socialise with friends, make new connections, learn from different teachers and have fun beyond the usual VSE day. There's something for everyone to keep busy! Finally, more VSE highlights as Year 2 become teachers and Year 5 turn into historical researchers! Keep reading to learn more…
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News image page link ps Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary and Foundation Stage: FS2 get to the bottom of the Dinosaur Mystery.
Years 4, 5 and 6 embrace 'The Big Shakespeare Festival'. Year 5 explore different musical dynamics vocabulary. Find out what was discussed during the STA hosted Fobisia Sustainability conference for international school teachers in Thailand. Finally, keep an eye out for the new charity event to help those in need!
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News image 00 page Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary and Foundation Stage: Showing confidence in the Swimming Pool!
The FS3 children look forward to Fridays as it is our swimming day! The goggles are on, and our students are growing in confidence, having a playful time developing essential life skills. Also, Year 3 were a sight to behold as it was Greek Day! And thanks again for opening your hearts and minds for World Autism Day.
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News image 16107 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary and Foundation Stage: A unique glimpse into the FS2, FS3 and Year 6 classroom!
Our Year 6 interact and learn by play with FS2, FS3 learn all about technology and Year 6 get artsy with biographies. Also, who were the St Andrews Times Tables Rock Stars? And finally, look at what the teachers and admin team got up to on Inset Day.
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News image link image 02 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary and Foundation Stage: FOBISIA Finalists
FOBISIA finalists, STA Book Week is almost here, and our EAL and Special Needs teachers undertake training in speech and language. All the while, Year 3 get creative with Greek vases and Year 2 swim under the sea with their new classroom displays. And finally, its March Media Mentor Month.
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News image 0000 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary and Foundation Stage: Our parents learn from the best.
A warm welcome back after half-term! We look back at some of the exciting events from before the break... and book week is fast approaching.
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News image Christmas161220_2265 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: How much money did Year 6 raise for charity?
VSE is back, and it was great to hear the chatter of children in the various Google Meets. We have some memories to cherish from our Christmas concerts and fair.
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News image IMG_0301 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: A Titanic Time
Y4 children got their glad rags on and stepped back in time to board the RMS Titanic. Find out the following for Christmas: when and where your Christmas Concert is being held, details of the Primary Christmas Fair and how to give this Christmas.
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News image 3322 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Christmas is coming and Santa’s on his way!
The big Christmas trees are up! Over the next month, we have concerts galore and the Christmas fair to look forward to. Find out when your Christmas concert is being held and how to donate during this time of giving. And finally... the Christmas card competition results are in.
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News image Picture2 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Nursery Rhyme week a massive hit!
Don’t forget to leave a present or two under the Christmas tree for the children at the Bangkok Refugee Centre (BRC). A big well done to KS2 for helping make Nursery Rhyme week a massive hit! We have learnt a lot this past Anti-Bullying week. And….EVACUATE! Find out how Y6 took us back to the WWII era.
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News image IMG_0115 1 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Inspired by Paradise
Some of our students climbed into the art during a unique visit to the ‘Art in Paradise’ gallery. Loy Krathong day at school was a special one. Find out how Year 6 are raising money for the Royal British Legion. And a former St Andrews student taught us the science behind an environmentally-friendly invention that turns air into water.
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News image IMG_1997 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Jump in the KS2 Time Machine!
Take a look at all the activities KS2 completed to end a super busy half term. We have a health and safety reminder for everyone! Plus, Loy Kratong is at the end of this month as well as the creative ‘My Country’ themed writing competition closing date looming! It’s not too late to get involved!
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News image REMBRANDT_0021 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Pridi 20 Entrance Closing Information.
As mentioned in previous newsletters, we have been in discussion with our neighbours on Pridi 20 and the local authorities to try and help minimise the flow of traffic and the parking situation on the Soi, which is causing so many to be upset in the neighbourhood.
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News image Key2_04 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Parent-Led Performances
After some discussions as within the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and after meeting with the PTG, we have now finalised a plan to go ahead with our International Day with a slightly revised format to ensure more distancing and manage the numbers of people in the Sports Hall for the buffet.
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News image 003 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: The Reopening of STEPS Cafe
Year 3 test their mettle while we're happy to announce the first competition of the year for KS2. Importantly for you, we’re excited to invite parents back on campus to use the facilities at STEPS Cafe.
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News image 160320 ks2 2 Blog | keystage2 | Creative Arts | Extracurricular Activities (ECAs) | Homepage Featured Article | Insight & Advice | Primary School | Performing Arts | School News | Student Work and Success
Key Stage 2: Rockets and musical fanfare
Remaining ECAs for Term 2 will be cancelled...Year 5 launched rockets and explored space...The lack of an audience couldn’t stop the music from the Year 4 Music Concerts...We advise on online learning in the event of school closure.
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