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News image pasted image 0 2 Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Come and try
Our PE team are ready for ‘Come and Try Week’ with more children wanting to be part of STA sport than ever before!
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News image IMG_0606 square Blog | musicAndDrama | Primary School | Performing Arts
Primary School Music: Final line-up for House Competition
The finalists have been chosen for the Primary House Music Competition at St Andrews International School Bangkok.
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News image 190347croppedw1366h500of1FFFFFF60441ed75cbe444b9cb9902 Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: FOBISIA success in Phuket
Our FOBISIA children return after fun and success at the Games, plus our U9 basketball teams and young tennis stars prove the future is bright.
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News image StAndrews18_083 Blog | Primary School
Primary School Library: New and Used Book Sale is this week
Our ever popular New and Used Books Sale takes place this week. Look out for Marisha Wojciechowska who will be signing books on Thursday. Information will be coming soon on how to be a Library Monitor next year as well as our summer reading challenge and please bring in your overdue books and start borrowing for the summer.
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News image IMG_1945 Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Friday Night Game fun
Our Primary School dancers and cheerleaders impress in final Friday Night Game. One of our biggest events of the year is upon us. FOBISIA children head out for their annual Games and we look forward to celebrating our children’s achievements at this year Sports Awards.
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News image StAndrews18_042 Blog | Primary School
Primary School House: House Science Competition
Are you a keen scientist? If so, get involved with Mr Jon’s House competition.
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News image IMG_1206 Blog | keystage2 | Primary School
Primary STEAM
Last week, St Andrews International School Bangkok Primary School had a STEAM-tastic few days of fun and exploration.
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News image pasted image 0  20190521T121205411 Blog | Primary School
Primary School House: Y4s attempt Dashbot challenge
The first of a series of House competitions took place last week with Yao taking home top prize and the lion’s share of the House points. Congrats to all the participants.
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News image MIT_ChallengePosters_A4STAbkk 15 May 20194 Blog | Global Education | Primary School
STEAM: Superheroes
STEAM Week at the Primary School! Students from Foundation Stage to Year 5 will take part in various MIT inspired challenges from Wednesday 29 May to Friday 31 May 2019.
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News image IMG_1063 Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Balls, bats and balance beams
Years 4 and 5 work hard and have fun at their Sports Days and our footballers, teeballers and gymnasts continue to impress with some excellent results. Don’t miss out on the U11 Friday Night Game - come and join in the fun. Plus with FOBISIA nearly upon us please check the kit list for the trip!
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News image IMG_2677 Blog | musicAndDrama | Primary School | Performing Arts
Primary School Music: Baby Shark inspires Chicks and Lambs
A wonderful collaboration between St Andrews International School Bangkok Year 6 students and FS2/3 students created a new version of a favorite song.
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News image school33392258ver10640360 Blog | Primary School
Primary School Library: Scholastic Book Club is back
The ever-popular Scholastic Book Club is live from today until 17 May 2019. Don’t miss out on benefitting from this great selection of offers. TIme to get your holiday reading organized.
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News image pasted image 0 90 News | sport | High School | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School | Sport and PE
STA golfers show complete game at FOBISIA
4 golfers from Primary and 8 from High School, impressively represented St Andrews International School Bangkok at the recent 2019 FOBISIA Golf Tournament.
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News image 110219 ks2 1 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Full STEAM ahead to Book Week
Read about an exciting STEAM challenge to keep your children busy over half-term...Busking Week is in full swing and there is some interesting information about Book Week.
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News image 210119 ks2 2 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Take care of our environment
Parents are reminded that our car park is a no-idling zone and are asked to remind their drivers to turn off their engines while waiting...Parent consultations continue this week... Fun Day is just around the corner… Read on to find out about a competition with an amazing prize from Mermaid Dive.
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News image IMG_8478 Blog | sport | Primary School | Sport and PE
Primary School Sport: Spotlight on football and gymnastics
More than 70 Primary students represented STA at the HIS International Football competition while our gymnasts entered their first ever BISAC tournament. Lots more sport to come in Term 2… read on for some important dates for your diary.
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News image 140119 ks2 31 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Wild for tigers
Parent consultations start this week. Please contact your class teacher directly if you have not yet fixed an appointment...Eco BEASTs and the WWF kick off Sustainability Week. Read on for more information.
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News image 121118 ks2 1 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Parties and concerts herald Christmas
The last week of term is filled with parties throughout the Key Stage as well as our traditional Christmas Concerts...There is still time to donate Christmas parcels to the to BRC...We look forward to a special event in early January.
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News image 191118 ks2 1 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Creating krathongs amongst the Christmas trees
We celebrate Loy Krathong this Thursday...Rescheduling our visiting author to next calendar year...Year 6 students get a ticket to Paradise and immerse themselves in Art...The final round of Word Mania is upon us...Find out what we’re doing to combat increasing air pollution in Bangkok...Christmas trees are appearing all around Primary School so it’s time to show some Christmas spirit.
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