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News image fun day 2023 News | High School | Parent Teacher Group | Primary School | School News
Fun Day 2023 | St Andrews Bangkok
A fun-filled day for our STA community with exciting rides, fun games, festivities, pop-up boutique shops and plenty to eat and drink.
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News image Help India Breathe01 News | Homepage Featured Article | Insight & Advice | Parent Teacher Group | Service Learning | Student Work and Success
Indian Association of Thailand Help India Donate Oxygen Campaign
The St Andrews school community come together to raise funds and awareness to help donate essential oxygen tanks to India during a time of crisis.
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News image Rembrandt_0155 Blog | Extracurricular Activities (ECAs) | Homepage Featured Article | Insight & Advice | Parent Teacher Group | School News
Head’s Lines: Steadfast in the face of challenges
Fun Day will be held on Saturday, 7th March...Find more about the coronavirus from Dr Peter Guerin’s presentation to our School Community...We have changed our admissions procedures in the light of virus concerns...Thank you for supporting the victims of last week’s fire in Pridi 26...Updates on our involvement in inter-school competitions.
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News image 130120 hl 4 Blog | Extracurricular Activities (ECAs) | High School | Homepage Featured Article | Parent Teacher Group | School News | Sport and PE | Student Work and Success
Head’s Lines: Weekend retreats and get-togethers
Our first Saturday of the new school year was filled with lots of activities and competitions...Learn about our great Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programme...Recruitment commences in London for next year’s new teachers.
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News image PTG Coffee MorningsLittleStepsLaunch_8_Nov_2019001 Blog | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: Little Steps to Zero Waste
We’re continuing our November Coffee Mornings with the next one this coming Friday, 8 November. It’s at Primary School but we encourage High School parents to come too! The topic is “Sustainability” - something that affects us all - and we want to make it a party. So we’re celebrating the grand opening of a new shop at School: Little Steps to Zero Waste. The EcoBeasts will be there with fun and games and there will be prizes to be won.
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News image PTG_Badge_photo Blog | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: Dates for your agenda
The PTG held its first Committee meeting in the first week of school and we’re excited to share with you all the things we’re planning. Watch this space as Parent Activities and get-togethers will be announced soon. Our first PTG meeting open to all parents will be held 11 September. And don’t forget to come along to a Second-hand Uniform Sale and snap up a bargain!
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News image PTG_Committee_20190530_cropped Blog | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: Introductions
We hope you’ve had a refreshing holiday and are raring to go – just as we are at the PTG! The blank canvas of a new school year feels like a perfect opportunity to introduce ourselves to new parents.
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News image Summer_Party_2019001 Blog | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: Summer Party - Be there or be square!
We’re almost there… the PTG Summer Party is just around the corner. Get ready for an epic evening of talk and laughter, food and drink, and of bopping till you drop. Just in case you missed the memo – it’s this coming Friday, 14 June 2019, from 6.00 p.m. until late, at the O’zKool Bar in the ACMEN Ekamai Complex. Be there or be square! :)
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News image unnamed3 Blog | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: Community-building
A great benefit of International Day is the strengthening of our community. The German community has been catching up regularly and enjoying excellent German cuisine. Preparations are nearly finished for Fun Day on Saturday, 2 February 2019 at the Primary School. The PTG Committee would still appreciate the donation of raffle prizes. Please get in touch.
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News image file1 Blog | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: Lost and Found and the Sale of Second-hand uniform
The third update in our new series of communications is all about Lost and Found and the Sale of Second-hand uniform.
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News image FB03 sq Blog | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: “New to Bangkok” Coffee Morning
The PTG Committee is excited to invite all parents to a coffee morning aimed at helping new parents settle into life in Bangkok.
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News image DS PS Uniform Sale02 Blog | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: Grab a bargain before the summer
We have finally reached the end of yet another successful year at STA. It’s time to reflect on everything we have achieved as a school community and look forward to next year. There is still the second-hand uniform sale at Primary School on Tuesday so pop by in the morning and grab a bargain for next year.
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News image IMG8004 pagelink Blog | Homepage Featured Article | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: Lively discussion at the PTG Meeting
There was a great turn-out at the PTG Meeting last week with a lively discussion on a wide range of subjects. The PTG Committee would like to thank parents for taking the time to attend the meeting and make valuable contributions to help improve our school.
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News image 62919492 Blog | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: Join the conversation this Wednesday
The PTG shares the agenda for the PTG meeting on Wednesday morning and encourages as many parents as possible to attend the meeting.
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News image News Default Image Blog | Parent Teacher Group
PTG: Get active - make new friends - join a club
It’s ECA sign-up time again and that means it’s time to think about joining one of the many fantastic clubs that the PTG has made available to all parents. Please see the information below and don’t hesitate to contact Paul if you are interested in any of the activities or would like to organize something new.
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News image 85562927 Blog | Parent Teacher Group
Parent Teacher Group: 15 May 2017
There are important events coming up for the St. Andrews International School’s PTG. Ms Hilary Aziz fills us in, so stakeholders can prepare to attend.
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News image News Default Image Blog | Parent Teacher Group
Parent Teacher Group: 21 March 2017
Read important information about this week's sale of second-hand uniforms and lost-and-found items. Plus- a friendly reminder to put student names on all of their items so that they will be more easily returned to their rightful owners if lost.
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News image mindful parenting newsletter Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Insight & Advice | Parent Teacher Group
The Mindful Way to Conscious Parenting
Delivered by parenting coach Alessandra Rodel we are offering a 4 week course in developing a mindful approach to parenting.
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News image PTG logo rasberry Blog | Parent Teacher Group
Parent Teacher Group: 23 January 2017
Some information about Community Day on Saturday 4th February, including prices. The next PTG meeting is on Wednesday at 08.00 a.m.: we will be joined by a psychologist parent and will discuss the possibility of holding coffee mornings on issues of interest. Do join us!
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News image Rembrandt_0238 Blog | Global Education | High School | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School | Parent Teacher Group
International Day 2016
Today the St. Andrews International School community came together for International Day, in celebration of the amazing range of cultures and nationalities that make up our school.
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