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News image 31st Jan 22 Page Link Image01 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Primary School: FS2 meet a Superhero as Year 2 encounter the ‘Wizard Lizard'!
In this week’s Primary School News, learn more about: - Inspired superhero-themed activities developing fine motor skills in Foundation Stage. - How Year 2 saved worms from the Wizard Lizard. - Tian (Year 5) Special Recognition for the Sustainability Challenge Competition. - A STARS donation to 25 families who lost their homes in a fire. - Upcoming Primary School Events.
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News image St Andrews Bangkok to host the VEX Robotics Nationals 2021/22 - st-andrews-bangkok-to-host-the-vex-robotics-nationals-2021-22 News | Homepage Featured Article | School News
St Andrews Bangkok to host the VEX Robotics Nationals 2021/22
Learn more about the VEX Robotics Nationals 2021/22 to be hosted at St Andrews International School Bangkok.
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News image 24 Jan 22 Page Link Image02 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary School: Foundation Stage in full flow and Year 5s look at Space!
Foundation Stage children are back learning and listening carefully to the teachers, following instructions, and, most importantly, learning to play with each other again. Also, Year 5 have discovered their fascination for Space as they measured the size of the Sun, Earth, and Moon.
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News image pagelink macheda01 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Head’s Lines: Year 6 experience life at High School
High School was bustling with excitement as Year 6 began their transition activities in preparation for Year 7. Also, this week we have information on Parking, ECAs, and the PTG.
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News image 24 Jan 22 Page Link Image01 Blog | High School | Homepage Featured Article
High School: Welcome to the High School
This week, we welcomed Year 6 into High School to get to know the teachers and explore the campus. Also, excitingly for Year 11 and 13 students, it's Mock Exam Week! Finally, with AQI over 100 at times last week, we thought it would be useful to remind you of our Air Quality Policy.
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News image 17 Jan 22 Page Link Image01 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary School: Face-to-face learning and Shakespearian Poetry in Year 6!
That new term buzz is still here as the students were all really excited to see their classmates in person for the first time in 2022. Also, we wanted to highlight all of Year 6 for their exceptional Shakespearian poetry creations, which you can read below.
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News image 17 Jan 22 Page Link Image04 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Heads Lines: School facilities all abuzz
School facilities were once again all abuzz with children's happy voices as we re-engaged with real face-to-face learning. As we look ahead, we have scheduled an ECA Programme start date, and we have a reminder about our COVID measures to keep our community safe.
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News image 17 Jan 22 Page Link Image03 Blog | High School | Homepage Featured Article
High School: Back to school
Whether it was Year 7 PE, Year 9 Dance, Year 10 Biology, or Year 11 Art, the students were very quickly back into life at school! A huge thank you to the community for continually following guidelines helping us create a safe learning environment for everyone. Learn more below...
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News image headslines page link01 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Head’s Lines: Welcome to the start of Term 2!
I hope everyone has had a great holiday and that you are ready for your children to dive back into their studies.
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News image 11 Jan 21 Page Link Image03 Blog | High School | Homepage Featured Article
High School: Happy 2022!
I hope that you all had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. It has been great to hear so many positive stories about students’ engagement with their lessons so far.
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News image 11 Jan 21 Page Link Image01 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary School: New Term, New Topics!
We all hope that everyone in our Primary Community enjoyed their break and travelled to their planned destinations around the world or here in Thailand.
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News image santa image pagelink01 Blog | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary School: Christmas is well and truly here!
Year 6 students step back in time for ‘Evacuation Day’ and Year 4 students put their coding skills to the test by programming Dash robots to follow a given course. Finally, find out how we celebrated World Soil Day!
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News image pagelink high school01 Blog | High School | Homepage Featured Article
High School: Christmas events!
STA Christmas Karaoke was a blast! We look forward to the Christmas Lunch, Fair and on-uniform day to finish our festive week! Have a safe and relaxing Christmas break!
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News image pagelinks remember01 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Head's Lines: Remembrance Day
Remembrance Service at the British Club proved, as always, to be a very moving and thought-provoking experience. Let's continue to remain vigilant and work together to maintain this new normalcy and stability over the four remaining weeks of this Term. Finally, let's look forward to Loy Krathong, a cultural festival that the whole of Thailand will celebrate this Friday.
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News image 11162108 Blog | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary School: Nursery Rhyme Week and Loy Krathong on Friday!
Action-packed schedules, full of rhythm and traditional festivities! Last week, we saw Year 2 plant pumpkins, FS3 phonics children focus on the "f" sound through creative play and Year 3 design dragon eyes out of clay.
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News image Untitled103 Blog | High School | Homepage Featured Article
High School: Christmas comes early this year
The weeks are flying by, with Christmas decorations up earlier than usual as Term ends a week earlier than it did last year. Plenty is happening before that, beginning with Friday's Loy Krathong Celebrations. Also, Year 11 and Year 9 students will soon make important decisions about their 'Subject Choices' and 'First thoughts' for Senior Studies/(I)GCSE Option Choices.
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News image Page 201 News | Global Education | Homepage Featured Article | Student Work and Success
Global Campus: First Language Japanese Bilingual Book Writers!
Eleven STA students learning Japanese in Primary and High School receive Global Campus Bronze, Silver and Gold badges for outstanding efforts and contributions in the GC Bilingual Book Writing Project.
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News image 1 Nov 2021 Page Link Image02 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Primary School: Students are back with some powerful messages for world leaders!
It’s fabulous to see how quickly it has taken our students to adapt to school life following all the instructions from their teachers. Primary students send world leaders powerful messages about making changes to help the future of our planet. Finally, find out what Trashlucky will be doing to help empower our children to make a difference.
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News image 1 Nov 2021 Page Link ImageHeadlins Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Heads lines: Feel the excitement
There’s real excitement as we are back in school learning with friends and teachers face to face. A big thank you to STA Parents for ensuring that each student has taken their ATK tests and registered the results for a smooth and safe day at school. Finally, with the major climate change conference COP26 this week in Glasgow, please find out how we are making a united effort to make a difference in our school.
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