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News image 1480490_10153618591540533_1390223849_n News | Homepage Featured Article | Service Learning
Bangers on Bikes complete journey
Over the half-term break, Mr Bob from our Primary PE department participated in a charity bike ride from Khon Khen to Surin following the Mekong River, a gruelling ride of over 900 kms and 34 and a half hours in the saddle.
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News image 212 ks1 5 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1: Sustainability Week - thinking about the environment
Sustainability Week saw lots of interesting activities and visitors around the Primary School and our children had a thought-provoking time thinking about how we can protect our environment. Meanwhile, our teachers take part in a maths conference, ensuring that our children are getting the best possible teaching.
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News image 212 ks2 1 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Getting to know Pranburi, Dot & Dash, and Bobo
Find out about Year 4’s excursion to Pranburi for their residential...Air quality has been on our minds, and changes have been enacted as a result...Meet Dash and Dot - Y5’s new coding teacher...Bobo the Whale has landed upon the shores of the small quad.
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News image 27625544_1305680146203521_1964325709826710609_o Blog | artsnews | Creative Arts | Homepage Featured Article
Art: Year 7 Artists visit the Erawan Museum
Year 7 art students spent the day at the Erawan Museum, drawing and photographing the beautiful artefacts and scenery.
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News image 12099606 News | cas | Homepage Featured Article | Service Learning | Sport and PE
Bangers on Bikes
A grueling 900 km charity bike ride will take place over the half-term break, featuring Mr Bob from the Primary PE Department raising money for some very worthy causes.
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News image 212 hs 8 Blog | High School | Homepage Featured Article
High School: Be the best you can be
Four recent events that showcased our Great St Andrews students being the best that they can be, and further discussion of Bangkok’s recent air quality.
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News image 52 ks1 5 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1: Not all superheroes wear capes
Fun Day was an exciting day for everyone. Year 2 meet some real-life superheroes, and we welcome a new member of staff to our team.
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News image 52 ks2 5 Blog | keystage2 | Homepage Featured Article | Primary School
Key Stage 2: Enjoying the Year 3 Residential Trip and Fun Day 2018
Find out about Year 3’s adventures during their KS2 residentials...Last Saturday’s Fun Day was an amazing success… There will be a Moodle workshop for parents on Tuesday, 6th February...Meet our newest member of staff, Caitlin Cassidy.
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News image 2780946 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
House: Competitions and celebration
The Primary School and High School have announced a number of different competitions to help save the world. Plus … karaoke in the High School and Sustainability Week at Primary School.
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News image 52 hs 6 Blog | High School | Homepage Featured Article
High School: NAE Global Campus Update
A summary of the upcoming NAE Global Campus events - fantastic opportunities for our students in Bangkok and around the world - and a discussion of Bangkok’s recent air quality.
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News image ladyflowers74932prints Blog | Homepage Featured Article
House: Art Competition 2018
The STA Art Department challenges the entire community to focus on the margins in the House Art Competition 2018.
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News image 221 ks1 4 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1: How play helps writing skills
It’s amazing all the different skills and strengths that go into teaching our children to write. Read on to find out how playing is an important part of learning to write. Find out how to get your entry bracelets and raffle tickets for Fun Day and find out how school monitors and reacts to the air pollution index.
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News image FullSizeRender 6 Blog | artsnews | Creative Arts | Homepage Featured Article
Art: Year 8 Negative Space Art
Year 8 Artists have been creating modern masterpieces, based on the concept of negative space, using stencils and spray paint.
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News image pasted image 0 1 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
House: Leaders announce competitions for Sustainability Week
Sustainability Week is coming up from 5 February and the House Leaders are running 3 competitions with the intention that these will be positive changes that stick… Help look after your planet!
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News image pasted image 0 4 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
House points up for grabs
House leaders give information on the many ways you can earn lots of house points this term.
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News image IMG_0673 Blog | sport | Homepage Featured Article | Sport and PE
Sport: Get involved in sport
There are so many ways to get involved in sport in both Primary and High School. Read on for more information.
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News image IMG_7819 Blog | Homepage Featured Article
Library: looking back at the Book Fair and Book Week
Our Primary School and High School Libraries look back at a successful week of book sales, reading fun, and charity.
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News image Christmas Posters 201701 Blog | musicAndDrama | Homepage Featured Article | Performing Arts
Music: Preparing for concerts and launching our Peripatetic Programme
Find out about the upcoming Christmas Concert Programmes and about the exciting launch of small group instrument lessons.
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News image pasted image 0 1 Blog | cas | Homepage Featured Article | Service Learning
Service Learning: CAS, Conference and the Community
This week in the world of CAS we have been jam packed with events as delegates attended the ServICE and MUN Conferences held at NIST and STA.
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