Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
07 November, 2016


ISRMUN 2016 - isrmun-2016
ISRMUN 2016 We congratulate all ISR students and advisors who participated and organised ISRMUN 2016.

On November 2, 3 and 4, ISRMUN 2016 took place at San Agustín Campus. ISRMUN is San Agustín's Model United Nations event where middle School students from ISR and other schools in our area will act as UN delegates as they debate over world issues. This is a great opportunity for them to develop leadership, negotiating, and public speaking skills.

We congratulate all ISR students and advisors who participated and organized ISRMUN 2016. The event was very successful and participants enjoyed and learned through the process.

If you want to see more pictures of this event, please go to our Facebook Page