23 September, 2024

San Roberto International School Implements Cellphone-Free Environment for Enhanced Learning and Well-being

Cellphone-Free-Environment - Cellphone-Free Environment

At San Roberto International School, we are dedicated to fostering an environment prioritizing our students' academic success and overall well-being. In alignment with the practices of many educational institutions worldwide, we have recently implemented a cellphone-free environment. This decision is backed by extensive research, including data from UNESCO demonstrating the numerous benefits of reducing cellphone usage in schools. Below, we outline the potential advantages that this new policy brings to our students.


  • Increased Focus on Learning
    Students can concentrate fully on lessons without the distraction of cellphones, enhancing academic performance.
  • Enhanced Social Skills 
    Without phones, students engage more in face-to-face interactions, building essential communication skills.
  • Reduction of Cyberbullying 
    Limiting cellphone use decreases opportunities for cyberbullying, creating a safer school environment.
  • Promotion of Mental Health 
    Reducing screen time helps lower anxiety and stress, supporting students' overall mental well-being. 
  • Better Classroom Management 
    Teachers can maintain better control and organization in the classroom, leading to a more effective learning space. 
  • Encouragement of Physical Activity 
    Without phones, students are more likely to participate in physical activities during breaks, promoting a healthier lifestyle.
  • Protection of Privacy 
    A cellphone-free policy minimizes the risk of unauthorized photos or videos, safeguarding students' privacy. 
  • Enhanced Attention Span 
    Students develop better concentration and focus, leading to improved academic outcomes over time. 
  • Support for Digital Detox 
    Our policy encourages a digital detox during school hours in a world increasingly dominated by screens. This break from technology helps students reconnect with the real world and build healthier relationships with digital media. 


At San Roberto, we are confident that this cellphone-free initiative will lead to a more productive, supportive, and enriching educational experience for all our students. We appreciate the ongoing support of our parents and community as we work together to foster an environment where our students can thrive both academically and personally. 

 UNESCO calls for schools around the world to ban smartphones in the classroom 
 ‘Put learners first’: Unesco calls for global ban on smartphones in schools 
 Cellphone Bans Can Ease Students’ Stress and Anxiety, Educators Say 
 A Mindshift Over Cellphones in Schools 
 Cell Phone Bans Lead to Safer Environment and More Learning Time