While they’re with us, we’ll make sure your child is happy, healthy, and supported in everything they do.
Student Wellbeing - Content Page Header
At St Andrews International School Bangkok, we provide a safe, happy, supportive and stimulating environment where all the needs of the individual learner are met. This means that academic results are balanced with wellbeing. By establishing a solid partnership between parents, teachers, and students, your child will feel supported to realise their full potential while also understanding how best to look after themselves.

Our Health and Wellbeing Coordinator, in partnership with our Counselling Team, use carefully considered programmes, including our PSHE curriculum, to enhance student health and wellbeing, resilience, and the development of life skills. 

Our PE sessions and extra-curricular activity programme give our students access to a full range of sports and resources that keep their minds and bodies healthy. 

Our holistic PSHE curriculum inspires physical and psychological empowerment, while also giving students the necessary tools to enjoy the great moments in life and bounce back in times of adversity.

Heads of Year and Year Leaders

Primary School

High School

Our Heads of Year support the wellbeing of students in every element of their education, as well as providing the safe, happy, and supportive environment that's so important at St Andrews.

Student Wellbeing - STA Well Child Plicy-download icon

Well Child Policy

STA -Well Child Policy.pdf (1 MB)

Student Wellbeing - A Good Goodbye-download icon

A Good Goodbye

STA-A Good Goodbye.pdf (1 MB)
