Nord Anglia
01 July, 2017

World Scholars Cup

World Scholars Cup - world-scholars-cup
World Scholars Cup
World Scholars Cup

• Day 1

Our Secondary students are in Hanoi, Vietnam for the World Scholars Cup.

Walking tour today from the hotel to the lake, map master Jack Brooksbank helped Miss Keen navigate the crazy streets with chickens roaming the pavements and birds in cages everywhere. Visited the Chinese pagoda on Hoan Kiem lake and learned about the story of the turtle and the golden sword...just about getting used to being millionaires with all our Vietnamese Dong! Back to the hotel for relaxation and revision ahead of the start of WSC tomorrow bright and early.

• Day 2

Today the juniors started the day with the opening ceremony and a speech from the author Lawrence Watt-Evans who wrote 'Why I Left Harry's All Night Hamburgers'. Following this we visited, Bao San Paradise Park where the scholars took part in a scavenge hunt! The seniors have spent the day revising ready for their first day tomorrow.  😎

• Day 3

The juniors had scholars' challenge, collaborative writing and team debate. The seniors had opening ceremony, scholars' scavenger and traditional Vietnamese dancers and dinner at paradise park. Juniors particularly happy with the collaborative writing challenge and won several rounds of the team debate.

• Day 4

After a couple of the junior teams winning two of three of their debates yesterday and feeling very confident with the collaborative writing, they had a great scholars' bowl today...as usual were impeccably behaved and very enthusiastic a credit to you all. Tonight's task is to work out what clothes to leave in Vietnam to make space for our ever-growing family of alpacas (apologies Jack's mum we are currently on two large, one medium and one small.  🙈

• Day 5

Today was the juniors day off. Some participated in a golf buggy tour of the Old Quarter in Hanoi whilst others caught up on some well needed rest before the Scholar's Ball this evening. The seniors took part in the final part of the competitive action today and the feedback seems positive so far! Looking forward to the closing ceremony tomorrow for the juniors. Fingers crossed for lots of medals.

•Junior Results

Congratulations to 2 of our Junior Teams that qualified for the Yale Round!!! They competed against 800 teams (2500 students).

Our Skittles team - Heidi, Jack and Nicole - came 1st overall for the Middle East beating amongst others DESC and DC and 3rd place overall for team debate!!!

Team Golds for Scholar's Bowl for Team Heidi, Nicole, Jack & Team Sophie, Eleanor, Bhavya.

And to top it all, NAS Dubai's Heidi Feilder was chosen to represent the UAE at the Junior Closing Ceremony.

Amazing achievements! We are looking forward to the Senior results!