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News image Why is Learning Languages so Important? - Why is learning languages so important Blog | Homepage Featured Article | blog | Learning and Education Insights
Why is Learning Languages so Important?
In an ever more interconnected world, international schools continue to play a pivotal role in fostering multicultural understanding and preparing students for global citizenship.
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News image The Importance of Helping Children - The Importance of Helping Children Blog | blog | Homepage Featured Article | Learning and Education Insights
The Importance of Helping Children
As parents, we all want our children to feel confident about who they are. We hope that the encouragement and support we’ve given them up to this point has been enough to build a strong sense of self-esteem that will support their mental health in the years ahead.
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News image Sowing the Seeds of Sustainability: Educating Young Minds at NAS Dubai! - Sowing the Seeds of Sustainability Blog | blog | Homepage Featured Article | School News
Sowing the Seeds of Sustainability

In education, there's a crucial topic that doesn't get the attention it deserves, sustainability. As our world tackles pressing environmental challenges, it's becoming increasingly evident how vital it is to introduce sustainability concepts to children from an early age, enhancing their environmental consciousness.

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