Nord Anglia
02 April, 2017

NAS Dubai Ski Trip 2017

NAS Dubai Ski Trip 2017 - nas-dubai-ski-trip-2017
NAS Dubai Ski Trip 2017
NAS Dubai Ski Trip 2017

Day 1 

Early start this morning but we're all checked in and ready for our flight to Switzerland!! The weather has delayed the flight, but we're all in good spirits.

Day 1 - Arrived

After an early start, we headed to Abu Dhabi to catch our flight but we were unfortunately delayed due to the weather.

After some much needed sleep on the plane, especially from the staff, we arrived in Geneva met the Les Elfes staff and headed on the coach to Verbier.

Once we arrived all pupils had dinner and were ski fitted before we all headed to bed.

Looking forward to our first day on the slopes tomorrow.

Day 2

This morning after a good breakfast we all got our ski equipment and headed for the mountain in our ability groups.

Having been assessed by our instructors in the morning we had lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon on the mountain.

We returned to Les Elfes for hot chocolate before spending the evening baking and ice skating.

Everyone is looking forward to tomorrow already NAS Dubai Ski Trip 2017 - nas-dubai-ski-trip-2017NAS Dubai Ski Trip 2017 - nas-dubai-ski-trip-2017

Day 3

Today we had another successful day with children ready to hit the slopes at 9am sharp.

Great weather, blue skies and lots of sunshine. Most of the groups made it to the mountain with some beginners still practicing the basics ahead of going on the mountain tomorrow.

After a hard days sking we returned to Les Elfes and visited the local shops before having dinner and taking part in an evening activity of making a music video.

Another great day and we're ready for round 3 tomorrow!

Day 4

This morning we were up super early and ready to hit the slopes in our groups with the sun shining.

We continued to develop our skills with some of our advanced groups taking on some challenging red slopes higher up the mountain.

We returned to Les Elfes for hot chocolate and cake before spending the rest of the afternoon in the local town and playing board games.

Today's evening activity involved a torch walk through the village of Verbier.

Another great day!

Day 5

Today was one of the best days here in Switzerland. Some of our advanced skiers went on a new mountain and had an absolutely fantastic time.

We then returned to Les Elfes and had some hot chocolate while playing a few games, before getting ready for our afternoon activities which were either swimming, going into town, or having a break here at Les Elfes.

The evening activity for today was an awesome music quiz - LA FUREUR and celebrating a birthday!

Overall, today was an amazing day drenched in beautiful sunlight here in the Swiss Alps.

Sara Charif 9VGR

Day 6

Today we had an amazing day and we were so excited to do all the activities. At the beginning of the day we competed in a slalom race against each other. Later on we enjoyed an amazing barbeque on the mountains with laughter and a snowball fight after.

Once we were all back Les Elfes we headed off for a great treat for milkshakes at the milk bar. Later on, we partied at a discotheque where we showed off our impressive dance moves to the instructors. Overall we had a day full of laughter and fun, just like the last few days!

Riayat Chowdhury 7MCO

Day 7

Today was the last day of skiing hence why we raced each other on the ski cross. We were all risk takers as it took a lot of courage to ski or snowboard down the slope. After our lovely dinner, we had a prize giving which consisted of the instructors giving us a medal and a certificate. It was a great last night in Verbier.

Leonie Treyer 10JVA

Day 8

This morning we packed our bags and headed into Verbier to celebrate the start of the freeride world tour taking place this week.

After getting some last minute souvenirs we headed back to Les Elfes for lunch and to watch a film and play board games before we departed on the coach to Geneva.

Everyone has had a fantastic week and we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning at the agreed location with an ETA of 8:30am-9:30am.

Mr Thomas (NAS Ski Trip Leader)

Welcome Back! Our NAS Dubai skiers have touched down safely in Abu Dhabi and are on the coach to Dubai. Approx ETA 9am.