Nord Anglia
01 November, 2016

Primary Cross Country

Primary Cross Country - primary-cross-country
Primary Cross Country
Primary Cross Country 48 runners from Y3-Y6 had the their first meet of the season at Rashid School for Boys on Wednesday.

48 runners from Y3-Y6 had the their first meet of the season at Rashid School for Boys on Wednesday. With nearly 800 students in attendance the venue was packed and the kids were ready to compete.

The Y3/Y4 runners started the races and worked hard over the one kilometre course.

The Y5/Y6 runners followed with a tough 1.6 kilometre course which included an intense finish that left the runners and spectators gasping for air at the finish!

The highlight of the meet was an amazing performance by Y4 runner Alexia Nash, who finished in first place with a commanding lead!

All four groups did exceedingly well for their first time out and should be proud of their hard work. Great job team!!!