Nord Anglia
12 October, 2016

Year 7 & Year 11 RAK Trip

Year 7 & Year 11 RAK Trip - year-7-and-year-11-rak-trip
Year 7 & Year 11 RAK Trip
Year 7 & Year 11 RAK Trip

• Update: Our Year 7s have arrived safely in RAK and are already enjoying their afternoon activities.

• Update: Year 11 RAK Adventurous Journey

All good with the year 11 teams completing a successful first day of their practice Adventurous Journey. Some tired legs but no blisters and generally high spirits. All settling down to a trangia cooked dinner and a well earned good nights sleep. We will check in again tomorrow evening.

• Update: Year 7 RAK Trip

Today was year 7's first day at the adapt- hosted camp. They settled in wonderfully and started their activities. One of the most critically acclaimed activities was archery tag. Archery tag consists of shooting arrows from a bow and trying to hit as many people as possible with arrows eqipped with a soft tip.

Another apealing part of camp was the team building activities. They consist of minigames made to make kids learn how to work in teams. "I think it really like helps us build a strong team!" Said isabelle Pearson.

On the more relaxing and fun part, there's the pool games. The kids got to splish and splash in the refreshing pool environment. "Don't do anything stupid around the pool!" Said Kamran.

To conclude the day, year 7 did some night activities. They were split into 4: group 1 prepared some shows showing off talents, group 2 did relay races, group 3 were split into 3 teams, each with a robot to protect from water attacks from other teams, while group 4 roasted food on a fire.

Written by:

-Alessandro Gaggioli

• Update: Year 7 RAK Trip - Day 2

Today year 7 woke up to a tasty breakfast of a variety of cereals and juices. Not to mention the toast! After getting ready, year 7 was divided into two groups: one group went off-site to go to the beach, and the other stayed at camp doing some new activities.

Today, we're talking beach. The children travelled on a bus all the way there. Once there, they were given a list of activities to do: kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, sailing, and raft building. They started their activities immediately. "I like the raft building as it lets us be creative" said Finlay.

Of course like every night, the night activities are hosted. But tonight a twist was added to the relay races: after a child has ran back from the target, they need to catch another child and run with them. Every time they return they add a person making it more challenging.

We also had some very interesting productions at the talent show. One performer, Archie, sang and rapped the "world cup song". An entertaining but long day.

Written by:

Alessandro Gaggioli


• Update: Year 11 - RAK Adventurous Journey 

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Group 1 
We were excited to start the journey and found it interesting to see the terrain and also walking with each other. Midway through the hike we found it quite challenging and that's when our teamwork skills came into play. At the end we were exhausted, but proud of all that we had achieved.

Group 2 
It was an extremely strenuous 2 days but the best time we have had in a while! Going from
the team that was ahead to then getting lost, we bounded like we never thought we could; just like atoms!! (Featuring Daniel's funny statements)

Group 3 
The first 2 days have been interesting, mentally and physically draining but also very fun. In our group we had ups and downs but we were always helping each other and worked as a team. AFTERWORD: don't trust other groups navigation!!

• Update: Year 7 RAK Trip - Day 3

Today year 7 woke up to another tasty breakfast and started the activities. The very terrifying, but at the same time fun activity was the leap of faith. It consists of climbing up a narrow platform and jumping as far as possible to catch a ball to use as an ab sail. "Dramatic, scary and fun" said Danisha.

If you enjoy more calm and team building activities the children have camp craft. It consists of building a shelter from tarpolines and sticks and starting a fire to cook some food on it. "The food was scrumptious" said Levent.

Another team building game is Wobbly Logs. It consist of climbing up a narrow platform and crossing a bridge of logs. But there's a catch: all the logs are held in place by your teammates on the ground. It's up to them to make the way stable enough for you to cross.

After dinner the children started the night activities. After practicing for 20 minutes, the children doing the talent show were ready to present. One very funny and entertaining show was the one revolving around the plot of a child standing up to bullies.

The robot wars was just as entertaining. We saw children dumping water on each other. " I thought it was fun and hydrating as we were constantly getting wet" said Hannah. Back at the relay race, it's just as fun again. The children were playing a human Rock Paper Scissors.

Written by:

Heidi Fielder & Drew Keam


• Update: Year 11 - RAK Adventurous Journey

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

The Year 11 Bronze International Award Students enjoyed a day of team based water sports activities here in RAK and then spent the afternoon and evening expanding their learning in preparation for their Qualifying Adventurous Journey over the next 2 days. They are all excited and are looking forward to the personal and team challenges they will encounter.