Nord Anglia
11 October, 2016

Year 8 Sri Lanka Trip

Year 8 Sri Lanka Trip - year-8-sri-lanka-trip
Year 8 Sri Lanka Trip
Year 8 Sri Lanka Trip

• Update: Our Year 8s have safely arrived in Sri Lanka and are ready to start their adventure.

• Update: Our Year 8 adventurers are enjoying the beach in Negombo. Stay tuned for their excursion to the Borderlands tomorrow...

• Update: Day 1

Group 1 & 2

First we were given life jackets, paddles and helmets. Then we set off on buses to further up stream. When we got of we walked down a steep path to the river. We crossed the river on our rafts for a safety briefing and practice our forward, backward, weight and other instructions. For example for down we all had to jump inside the raft with our paddles above our heads for going through rapids. 
We went through class 2&3 rapids, many rafts got stuck but luckily our group made it through one rapid without getting stuck. Although it was entertaining as we got to jump up and down to free ourselves from the rocks. 
We spent time swimming in the river and some people even fell in including Mr O'Hara, but he managed to climb out safely through all the laughter!

Written by Isabella Fox-Gmuer

Group 3 & 4

We went trekking and the view was spectacular! The leaches where less so, we went behind a waterfall and saw some cultural caves. We drank plenty of water and had lots of fun!

Written by Phoebe S., Rachael F., and Chloe C.

• Update: Day 2

Team 1

Team one had a fantastic day which began with a 3 hour trek through the tea plantations to ancient caves which were temporarily used as a place of worship. After having lunch in a breathtaking location we packed up and hit the road again.

On route to the picturesque Nuwara Eilya situated 2000m above sea level, we stopped along the way to admire the stunning backdrop of green valleys and waterfalls as well as nipping in for a cup of tea in the beautifully situated tea shop.

The hotel is extremely cosy, and we enjoyed a group meal in the dining area before setting our alarm bells for early morning as we trek towards World's End in what promises to be amazing experience.

Team 2

We don't have any wifi so are unable to send photos of our productive day. We arrived at the site of project we'll be working on and have met the headteacher of the school in preparation for tomorrow. Students helped to get food shopping, cook dinner and are now in bed. Tomorrow we will be going to the school where the students will also be participating in a cultural festival similar to Team 3.

Team 3

We had an amazing day rafting this morning, surfing the stoppers and showering in the river. A short 2hr transfer to our next location, we've met the Principal of the project school who took us on a tour. We will be participating in a cultural celebration festival tomorrow, we'll update with the pictures tomorrow evening.

Team 4

We're 2000m above sea level in Nuwara Eliya preparing for some trekking and a visit to a tea plantation. No wifi here so will send photo update tomorrow.


• Update: Day 2

Group 1

We woke up at 5am to get on the bus to drive to Worlds End. We trekked for 5 hours and walked a total of nine kilometres. Before the hike, while nibbling on sandwiches we met a sambar and we named it Mildred. Firstly, we trekked to mini worlds end before continuing to hike to main worlds end which had the most wonderful views. We were really lucky as it was clear blue skies all day. Later on we saw Bakers Falls, and then trekked back to the bus where we came back to the hotel to relax. We ate dinner in a small cafe, and all talked about the challenges we faced today. Tomorrow we will be visiting a tea factory plantation site.

By Tommy and Lana

Group 2

Today we visited a local school. As we arrived, there was a line a children waiting for our presence and welcomed us with clapping. The children gave us a blessing in a form of a painted dot and a traditional Sri Lankan leaf. Our personal highlights were that we taught a few modern dances such as dabbing, whip and nae nae, and the macarana to the local students. In return the children taught us how to count in their language and showed us their traditional dances.

Written by Alyssa Rothe and Olivia Lee

Group 3

Today was day 1 of our project visit. The students have nominated the toilet refurbishment as the project of their choice and the money has been donated to complete the project in full. The school were celebrating the goddess of education, we had a rare opportunity to watch a variety of traditional dances around this theme. Tonight we are off to explore the local town. We are very proud at the way our students integrated with the school children, it was great to watch.

Group 4

We have been trekking to the breathtaking World's End view point in Horton Plains National Park. We learnt that Claudia is terrified of snakes (and we didn't even see any!) and Aran has got the appetite of a horse. A brilliant day had by all and we're having an amazing time.