Nord Anglia
29 August, 2016

New Principal Welcome

New Principal Welcome - new-principal-welcome
New Principal Welcome
New Principal Welcome

Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of NAS Dubai,
Welcome back to a new term and a new year at NAS Dubai. Let us each make the good efforts required to find the successes we deserve and work together to hold the reputation of our School high as we reach for the simple ambition:
"For NAS to be the school in Dubai which is known to be the best because it is the place where the learning is great, where the results are outstanding and the community is distinguished.”
This year our results are indeed outstanding with 100% of our students achieving  A* and A grades in their June 2016 examinations!  Our candidates were submitted for examinations in different subjects this year including Mathematics, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin and Drama.  Our heartfelt congratulations go out to these students whose individual successes combine to enhance the good reputation of NAS Dubai.  
I would also like to use this occasion to say how delighted my wife Branka and I are to be with you at NAS Dubai. This is a very special place and the successes that Mr and Mrs Embley, Mrs Lamb and Mr Cullinan have brought about are quite extraordinary.  So much has been achieved and there is a clear sense of self-identity at NAS Dubai which all relate to. We should cherish our early history and look ahead with high expectations for future success. 
We will continue to develop and mature in the years ahead and this year we will pile down more significant pillars to solidify the strong foundations.  In particular we will undertake our first KHDA inspection and be visited by the International Baccalaureate Organisation for accreditation to offer the IB Diploma.
This year we will also extend student and staff opportunities to find closer linkage with others in the Nord Anglia global family of forty-three schools making best use of 'Global Campus’ for real time and online professional educational exchanges. 
The last few weeks have been busy preparing for the start of term and over the course of the summer the interior of the building was upgraded throughout.   New classrooms have been opened as we prepare for the larger numbers in the Secondary school while maintaining our promise that class sizes will not exceed twenty students in a class.
Along the way I have also met many people and in particular one student who when asked what advice would you give a new Principal responded: 

‘Get to know the names of as many people as possible and come and see what we do in our classes’.
Sound advice and a special commitment to live up to. Thank you. 

With every best wish and with expectations high for the year ahead. 
Floreat NAS Dubai.
Matthew B Farthing 