Nord Anglia
10 January, 2016

Language Classes for Parents

Language Classes for Parents - language-classes-for-parents
Language Classes for Parents
Language Classes for Parents After the huge success of the parent Arabic and Spanish language classes last term, we are pleased to offer additional classes in German, French and Mandarin for Term 2.

For Term 2 we are offering parent language classes in Arabic, French, German, Mandarin and Spanish. Please note that these run from 3pm - 4pm and you can bring your child with you (to help you!).

All the languages are for beginners except for the Spanish classes.

CCAs commence the week beginning the 17th January 2016. Half term is week beginning 14th February so there are no CCAs running that week. CCAs begin again after half term and finish the week beginning 13th March. This gives a total of 8 lessons.

If you would like to put your name forward then please send an email to CCA@nasdubai.ae with your name, the name of your child in the school, their class and of course the language you wish to join. Numbers are limited so if a language class is oversubscribed we will draw names out of a hat.