Nord Anglia
08 September, 2015

NAS Dubai Ski Development Pathway

NAS Dubai Ski Development Pathway - nas-dubai-ski-development-pathway
NAS Dubai Ski Development Pathway

We would like to offer our huge and sincere thanks to Mark Sharman and Kirstin Sherriff for all their help and vast amount of work in making this happen.

NAS Dubai Ski Development Pathway

We would like to offer our huge and sincere thanks to Mark Sharman and Kirstin Sherriff for all their help and vast amount of work in making this happen.

NAS Dubai Ski Development Pathway
“…A fantastic response”

Over 140 students have been registered onto the NAS Dubai Ski Development Pathway commencing on Sunday 13th and Monday 14th Sept. at Ski Dubai.

The formal ski development programme has been set up by a small number of enthusiastic parents with support and endorsement from the school, and in conjunction with the management at Ski Dubai. It will be the largest and most advanced school skiing development programme of its kind that has ever been run at the indoor skiing centre.

It all started on 10 May 2015, with a ski race trial for around 50 NAS Dubai students, (see picture) from which a ‘NAS Dubai Ski Race Squad’ was set-up. The Squad then went on to record considerable success at UAE inter-school ski race tournaments at Ski Dubai in late May and early June, with a number of podium finishes.

The Squad forms one part of the Ski Development Pathway (the other element being the NAS Dubai Ski Club), and has been designed to run continuously year on year, term by term, catering for all levels of skiing ability - from absolute skiing beginner to Advanced and Elite Level race skiers.

Mark Sharman, a parent ski coordinator and lead on the project said:
“This is a fantastic response to the programme and a truly amazing opportunity for our young students to improve and progress their skiing education."

The Pathway was set-up to help young skiers keep-fit and increase their confidence, naturally to develop and progress their skiing techniques, and importantly, to allow them to really enjoy themselves in a safe, controlled but challenging environment. I’m extremely confident we will achieve these aims, allowing our young skiers to be proud of their involvement in the NAS Dubai Ski Development Pathway!

I would like to thank all parents who have enrolled their children onto the Pathway for their continued support, my co-ordinator colleagues Kirstin Sherriff and Janet Plowright and to Mike Embley and his fabulous team for their visionary backing and sustained encouragement. It’s been the result of much hard work, negotiation and planning, but we are finally ready to ski!!”

Registration for Sept-Dec 2015 has now closed, but if you are interested in learning more about the NAS Ski Development Pathway in preparation for a place in Jan 2016, please contact the coordinators at: ski@nasdubai.ae