Nord Anglia
11 June, 2015

News for 11th June 2015

News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015
News for 11th June 2015


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

The Gala Dinner

What a lovely, lovely event.
Of course it took a huge amount of effort to organize it and, quite rightly, thanks were fulsomely given on the night and must be repeated here.
Sally and I had a great time and it was the perfect way to (almost) round off what has been a great year. To see such a merry crowd, and to be part of it too, was great. Any excuse to get dressed up really!
I won’t though dwell on the end of the year too much here as that’s a piece for later.
I would like to repeat a brief statement that I asked to be placed on Facebook earlier this week.
It is copied below and present on the parent portal. 

Have a lovely weekend

Michael Embley


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

Message from the  Head of Primary

Assessment week is well behind us now and teachers are even now completing their end of year reports. This week I am therefore having rather a busy time reading about the progress of nearly 650 children in the Early Years and primary school! It is proving to be a truly inspiring read – every one of our students has made progress this year in terms of their personal, social and academic development. The reports are a record of an exciting year of learning and whether your child has ‘learnt to blow bubbles in the water’ or ‘mastered long division’ you and I will be celebrating the achievements of your child as part of their own, personalized learning journey. Reports will be hand delivered to you via your child on the 22ndof June. We hope you enjoy and treasure them for years to come. We do not have a formal parents evening at this time of year, but you are of course always welcome to make an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher in order to discuss the report or any other issues you may have. There’s still time for plenty more learning to take place in the next couple of weeks and rest assured your children will be fully occupied until the very last day of term! 
Have a lovely weekend.

Elizabeth Lamb


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

Message from the  Head of Secondary

I hope you have enjoyed no homework week in secondary & had the opportunity to spend time with your children!
The focus of this week was on transition day where our new Year 7 students had the opportunity to experience a day in our secondary school. Transition from primary into secondary can often be a nerve racking experience for students and parents, these events aim to alleviate those worries.  Thank you to everybody who attended and could I personally thank the members of staff and students that supported the day.  The feedback from the event has been extremely positive with everyone excited to be part of the NAS Dubai family in 2015.
Within my speech I spoke to parents and students about daring to succeed. One of the key roles of a secondary school is to challenge our students to aspire to achieve their ambition and beyond. On the day this was demonstrated by our 3 students presenters; Ellen, Kian and Sofia who not only prepared and delivered presentations but also responded during the Q & A sessions. This was supported by 12 other students from our current Year 7. This is just one example of how our secondary students have embraced the opportunities at NAS Dubai.
Liam Cullinan
PA News


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

Gala Dinner

A huge thank you to all who attended the gala dinner on 5th June. We would like to also extend our thanks to everyone who donated a raffle prize for the evening. Thank you to Hunt & Harris Real Estate for supporting the event. We look forward to seeing you all next year on the dance floor!


Gala Dinner Raffle & Silent Auction

Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets and bid on a painting. We raised over 15,000 AED on the night. The money raised will be donated to one of the designated charities voted for by the students and parent body in the next few weeks.


Monday 15th June

PA meeting will be held at 8:00 am in the secondary library on the 2nd floor on Monday 15th June.


Upcoming Event and New Teachers for September

News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015  

Order your yearbook at the main reception Sunday to Thursday from 7:45am - 8:00am and 2:00pm - 3:00pm. They are AED 100 each and a great memento of the first year at NAS Dubai. Last day of orders will be on Thursday 18th June.


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015


Zoe McKenzie

I am thrilled to be joining the Early Years Department at Nord Anglia International School Dubai in September.


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015


Anna Bishop

I am very excited to be joining the NAS Dubai team in September. I am originally from Cornwall, England.


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015


Jenni Duncan
Growing up as a child I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and on leaving school I ensured I would achieve this goal.


Important Information

In response to some recent parental queries and enquiries I would like to make a very brief statement.

We have always committed to the following;

1) 20 students maximum per class (18 in EYFS)

2) 6 form entry maximum in any given year group (grade)

3) The school is selective based on both attitude and aptitude

These points will not change.

However, sadly, as a consequence of this the school has (genuinely) very few places left for the coming year, and in fact, none at all in many year groups.

Siblings are given priority, otherwise no priority system is in place.

This does mean that we are currently unable to meet many of the requests for places coming in from friends of current parents, even if the students would likely pass the entry assessments.

We do very much appreciate that this can be a cause of some distress but we are also clear that we must stick to both the letter and the spirit of our promises to our students (and their parents).

I realise (as I have been informed of this many times by long term residents) that Dubai is sometimes a “movable” place in terms of schools. However in our case, for good or ill, we are not such a school.


Sports News
NAS were involved in our first ever school ski race fixture on Saturday 6 June, against tough opposition from Kings, Repton and JESS. The fixture was held at Ski Dubai.
NAS entered mixed gender teams in the U7, U9, U11 and U13 race categories and had fabulous success, and given that our Ski Development Pathway is not due to commence until Sept, this can only be great news for both our students and the school.   
The ski racing was of a high level throughout all age group categories, and the results for the NAS Squads were as follows:
U7’s - Winners
U9's - Third
U11's - Second
U13's - Third
Well done to all Squad Members that represented the school in the fixture, and the U7’s winners’ cup is now safely in the schools trophy cabinet!!
Any parent wishing to enquire about the school’s Ski Development Pathway, starting in September, should email Mark or Kirstin (our Parent Coordinators) on: ski@nasdubai.ae

7 June - Year 3 & 4 Netball

Sunday's match saw excited girls taking to the court (and excited supporters) for the first ever  netball match for the year 3 s, with a combination of year 3s and year 4s the squad had been training for the previous  6 weeks learning new skills including catching throwing shooting and defending ...


We saw 5 sections played with all the girls taking to the court for at least 2 quarters, the first quarter saw no goals scored however some great defending from both teams kept the quarter exciting all the way through, the second quarter, with a different combination of players saw some great shooting from the girls to take the lead by two goals, giving them the confidence boost they needed!! the next two quarters continued with NAS having the upper hand, with many attempts at goal they continued to pull away with another two goals scored .With some lovely a passages of play from both teams in the last quarter and great defending from GEMS it was never taken for granted that NAS were going to win!!! Games are easily turned around in this fast paced sport! But it was however NAS who finished the match in style, winning by 4 goals, a great finish and result to the hard work put in by the girls......well done!


Chatter Box Cafe News

Chatter Box Cafe


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

Many thanks to all our Chatter Box bakers and volunteers for enabling us to open every day this week, your time and dedication is always appreciated. As are our customers! It is hard to believe that we're in the last week of our first year at Chatter Box, what an amazing year it has been. Please join us next week Sunday and Wednesday for our final openings of the academic year. We are closed as of Thursday 18th June.

Charity News


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

Bike Ride for Charity

What an amazing achievement by Nicholas and Edward Reynolds who raised a whopping 7300AED for their sponsored bike ride. Congratulations!




News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015


We have invited the Red Crescent to NAS in order to hand over all the amazing donations made and raised by our parent and student Community, between us we have raised in excess of 15,000AED for the disaster in Nepal. We'll keep you posted regarding their visit as we would like to invite everyone involved to participate in the handover of donations.


Ramadan Donation Drive

We will be asking the parent and student community in assisting us to gather donations for the Dar El Ber Society from the 11th to 25th June. All goods will be distributed by Dar El Ber. Please contact either myself (Donna Limin 0502491419 nascharityofficer@gmail.com) or Nada ElKais, Head of Arabic Dept @ NAS - 04 2199 999 should you have any queries.


News for 11th June 2015


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

The Gala Dinner

What a lovely, lovely event.
Of course it took a huge amount of effort to organize it and, quite rightly, thanks were fulsomely given on the night and must be repeated here.
Sally and I had a great time and it was the perfect way to (almost) round off what has been a great year. To see such a merry crowd, and to be part of it too, was great. Any excuse to get dressed up really!
I won’t though dwell on the end of the year too much here as that’s a piece for later.
I would like to repeat a brief statement that I asked to be placed on Facebook earlier this week.
It is copied below and present on the parent portal. 

Have a lovely weekend

Michael Embley


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

Message from the  Head of Primary

Assessment week is well behind us now and teachers are even now completing their end of year reports. This week I am therefore having rather a busy time reading about the progress of nearly 650 children in the Early Years and primary school! It is proving to be a truly inspiring read – every one of our students has made progress this year in terms of their personal, social and academic development. The reports are a record of an exciting year of learning and whether your child has ‘learnt to blow bubbles in the water’ or ‘mastered long division’ you and I will be celebrating the achievements of your child as part of their own, personalized learning journey. Reports will be hand delivered to you via your child on the 22ndof June. We hope you enjoy and treasure them for years to come. We do not have a formal parents evening at this time of year, but you are of course always welcome to make an appointment to talk to your child’s teacher in order to discuss the report or any other issues you may have. There’s still time for plenty more learning to take place in the next couple of weeks and rest assured your children will be fully occupied until the very last day of term! 
Have a lovely weekend.

Elizabeth Lamb


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

Message from the  Head of Secondary

I hope you have enjoyed no homework week in secondary & had the opportunity to spend time with your children!
The focus of this week was on transition day where our new Year 7 students had the opportunity to experience a day in our secondary school. Transition from primary into secondary can often be a nerve racking experience for students and parents, these events aim to alleviate those worries.  Thank you to everybody who attended and could I personally thank the members of staff and students that supported the day.  The feedback from the event has been extremely positive with everyone excited to be part of the NAS Dubai family in 2015.
Within my speech I spoke to parents and students about daring to succeed. One of the key roles of a secondary school is to challenge our students to aspire to achieve their ambition and beyond. On the day this was demonstrated by our 3 students presenters; Ellen, Kian and Sofia who not only prepared and delivered presentations but also responded during the Q & A sessions. This was supported by 12 other students from our current Year 7. This is just one example of how our secondary students have embraced the opportunities at NAS Dubai.
Liam Cullinan
PA News


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

Gala Dinner

A huge thank you to all who attended the gala dinner on 5th June. We would like to also extend our thanks to everyone who donated a raffle prize for the evening. Thank you to Hunt & Harris Real Estate for supporting the event. We look forward to seeing you all next year on the dance floor!


Gala Dinner Raffle & Silent Auction

Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets and bid on a painting. We raised over 15,000 AED on the night. The money raised will be donated to one of the designated charities voted for by the students and parent body in the next few weeks.


Monday 15th June

PA meeting will be held at 8:00 am in the secondary library on the 2nd floor on Monday 15th June.


Upcoming Event and New Teachers for September

News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015  

Order your yearbook at the main reception Sunday to Thursday from 7:45am - 8:00am and 2:00pm - 3:00pm. They are AED 100 each and a great memento of the first year at NAS Dubai. Last day of orders will be on Thursday 18th June.


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015


Zoe McKenzie

I am thrilled to be joining the Early Years Department at Nord Anglia International School Dubai in September.


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015


Anna Bishop

I am very excited to be joining the NAS Dubai team in September. I am originally from Cornwall, England.


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015


Jenni Duncan
Growing up as a child I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and on leaving school I ensured I would achieve this goal.


Important Information

In response to some recent parental queries and enquiries I would like to make a very brief statement.

We have always committed to the following;

1) 20 students maximum per class (18 in EYFS)

2) 6 form entry maximum in any given year group (grade)

3) The school is selective based on both attitude and aptitude

These points will not change.

However, sadly, as a consequence of this the school has (genuinely) very few places left for the coming year, and in fact, none at all in many year groups.

Siblings are given priority, otherwise no priority system is in place.

This does mean that we are currently unable to meet many of the requests for places coming in from friends of current parents, even if the students would likely pass the entry assessments.

We do very much appreciate that this can be a cause of some distress but we are also clear that we must stick to both the letter and the spirit of our promises to our students (and their parents).

I realise (as I have been informed of this many times by long term residents) that Dubai is sometimes a “movable” place in terms of schools. However in our case, for good or ill, we are not such a school.


Sports News
NAS were involved in our first ever school ski race fixture on Saturday 6 June, against tough opposition from Kings, Repton and JESS. The fixture was held at Ski Dubai.
NAS entered mixed gender teams in the U7, U9, U11 and U13 race categories and had fabulous success, and given that our Ski Development Pathway is not due to commence until Sept, this can only be great news for both our students and the school.   
The ski racing was of a high level throughout all age group categories, and the results for the NAS Squads were as follows:
U7’s - Winners
U9's - Third
U11's - Second
U13's - Third
Well done to all Squad Members that represented the school in the fixture, and the U7’s winners’ cup is now safely in the schools trophy cabinet!!
Any parent wishing to enquire about the school’s Ski Development Pathway, starting in September, should email Mark or Kirstin (our Parent Coordinators) on: ski@nasdubai.ae

7 June - Year 3 & 4 Netball

Sunday's match saw excited girls taking to the court (and excited supporters) for the first ever  netball match for the year 3 s, with a combination of year 3s and year 4s the squad had been training for the previous  6 weeks learning new skills including catching throwing shooting and defending ...


We saw 5 sections played with all the girls taking to the court for at least 2 quarters, the first quarter saw no goals scored however some great defending from both teams kept the quarter exciting all the way through, the second quarter, with a different combination of players saw some great shooting from the girls to take the lead by two goals, giving them the confidence boost they needed!! the next two quarters continued with NAS having the upper hand, with many attempts at goal they continued to pull away with another two goals scored .With some lovely a passages of play from both teams in the last quarter and great defending from GEMS it was never taken for granted that NAS were going to win!!! Games are easily turned around in this fast paced sport! But it was however NAS who finished the match in style, winning by 4 goals, a great finish and result to the hard work put in by the girls......well done!


Chatter Box Cafe News

Chatter Box Cafe


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

Many thanks to all our Chatter Box bakers and volunteers for enabling us to open every day this week, your time and dedication is always appreciated. As are our customers! It is hard to believe that we're in the last week of our first year at Chatter Box, what an amazing year it has been. Please join us next week Sunday and Wednesday for our final openings of the academic year. We are closed as of Thursday 18th June.

Charity News


News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015

Bike Ride for Charity

What an amazing achievement by Nicholas and Edward Reynolds who raised a whopping 7300AED for their sponsored bike ride. Congratulations!




News for 11th June 2015 - news-for-11th-june-2015


We have invited the Red Crescent to NAS in order to hand over all the amazing donations made and raised by our parent and student Community, between us we have raised in excess of 15,000AED for the disaster in Nepal. We'll keep you posted regarding their visit as we would like to invite everyone involved to participate in the handover of donations.


Ramadan Donation Drive

We will be asking the parent and student community in assisting us to gather donations for the Dar El Ber Society from the 11th to 25th June. All goods will be distributed by Dar El Ber. Please contact either myself (Donna Limin 0502491419 nascharityofficer@gmail.com) or Nada ElKais, Head of Arabic Dept @ NAS - 04 2199 999 should you have any queries.

