News for 13th May 2015

Parent Survey
We are constantly looking for ways to improve our school and your feedback is vital to this process. Our annual parent satisfaction survey helps us better understand how we are performing in key areas - what we are doing well and the areas where we can improve, so that we can continue to provide the best possible educational experience for your child.
The survey should take you no longer than 10 minutes to complete and each family should respond once on behalf of all your children (if you wish to share specific feedback, we have provided additional comment boxes for each section). Your responses are anonymous and will be combined with those of other parents at our school to help guide and inform our strategy for continuous improvement.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.
Message from Principal
Firstly, I would like to apologise on behalf of our school finance department for the email that was sent recently. It quite erroneously suggested to a number of families that they had not paid their school fees. I’m making this apology because the email was not of our required standard at NAS Dubai. For this, ultimately, I am responsible. We have put into place controls so that this cannot happen again. Secondly and on a far happier note; ROAR!
I have received a large number of emails from parents congratulating the team (parents, teachers, TAs, support staff and of course students) who worked so hard to bring the show to life. To say it was an outstanding success would be no exaggeration with students from all across the school doing a great job, having a great time and building their confidence in the way that only drama, music and performance can.
I was absolutely enchanted with the whole thing; from the actors to the singers, the dancers and the band. It was superb.
I am often asked to speak with groups of Principals from a variety of backgrounds and frequently they discuss cutbacks or concentrating on “the core”.
I think this is wrong. There is only one “Core” and that is the children we serve and there are no cutbacks to be made there. I’m already looking forward to next year’s show.
All the best
Michael Embley
Message from Head of Primary
I am extremely proud of our primary children this week. With the performances of ROAR! now complete, we have seen that children from Years 1 to 8 were able to work together to create something very special.
The production of ROAR! was not only a fantastic performance but a showcase for the talent, maturity and ambition of our students. Those who performed excelled themselves with their discipline both on and off stage and those that came and watched time and time again displayed great support for their peers. This kind of collaboration is a great celebration of our truly ‘through school’ approach to learning.
Such whole school productions are a great experience for all. The younger ones really enjoyed performing alongside the ‘big kids’ and I believe that secondary also enjoyed the enthusiasm (and hero worship) of the ‘little kids’. The joint experience will also help our Year 6s to transition smoothly into the secondary school in just a few months time – preparations are now well underway for the Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Day on June 10th. The year is fast drawing to a close! I would like to wish all the students a well-deserved break and look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday.
Elizabeth Lamb
Message from Head of Secondary
It would not be possible to start this week’s message without highlighting the phenomenal production of ROAR! I have had the honour of watching many amateur theatrical productions and rarely have I been as in awe of the performance as I was this week. A huge congratulations to all involved; students, staff and parents - I feel it truly captured the spirit of NAS Dubai.
As I write this message I await the results of our F1 in Schools team, who are currently in Abu Dhabi aiming to qualify for the international finals. They have been showcasing their innovation, engineering, design, technology, finance and marketing.
Our first set of language GCSE exams took place this week, our students were happy with their performances and we are excited to receive their results in August.
Please enjoy your long weekend and we will see you back in school on Monday.
Liam Cullinan
School News
Half Term Break School will be closed on Sunday. We will see you all back on Monday 18th May.
Photographs from ROAR! Thank you again to Adam Forsyth for taking the time to capture the essence of ROAR! To view the pictures please visit the following link;
Hannah Garvey - EYFS
I am extremely excited to be moving to Dubai this August and starting my first teaching post abroad.

Danny Thomas - PE
After graduating from Leeds Carnegie University in the UK with a BA Hons in Physical Education with QTS, my first teaching role was at an independent school in Leeds, UK.

Thomas Woodall - Year 1
After completing my BA honours in History and having spent the last five years working in schools in my hometown of Birmingham.

Kayleigh Roberts - Year 3
After three amazing years of teaching in Beijing, I am very excited to join the Year 3 team at NAS Dubai next year!

Charlotte Bousfield - EYFS
I am thrilled to be joining the Early Years department at NAS Dubai.
Upcoming Events!
Monday 18th - U9s Cricket vs WEK * Thursday 21st - 1C Class Assembly
Thursday 21st - Last day to buy Gala Dinner invites
Friday 22nd - PA Table Top Sale
Friday 5th June - PA Gala Dinner
Full Calendar on our Parent Portal or Website
Sports Report
Inter-House Swim Gala Photographs Thank you to Adam Forsyth for taking pictures of our Inter House galas. To view the pictures please follow these links:
Secondary Gala
Year 5 Gala
Year 4 Gala
There will be more to follow during the week. 7th May Swim Gala The NAS Dubai primary swim participated in their first swim league gala on Thursday 7th May at Dubai English English Speaking School. The squad finished the day with 87 points and 5th position. The final placing gala will be held on Thursday 11th June with the venue to be confirmed. Great effort from all the boys & girls and a special thank you to all the parents and supporters who braved the heat to cheer the squad on and offer assistance to the coaching staff. 10th May Ski Trials On Sunday 10th May we held advanced ski trials for the NAS Dubai Ski Team. Over 40 skiers competed and a many number of them will now go on to compete at the inter schools competition at the end of May at Ski Dubai. Thank you to Mrs Atherton, Mark Sherman, Kirstin Sherriff and Ski Dubai for organising this opportunity.
A note for the NAS Dubai Performing Arts Team
A huge thank you for supporting us with our school production of ROAR! We were thrilled to witness the gasps from the audience whilst watching our talented students present a 'goose-bump' performance of 'The Circle of Life'. It has been a truly memorable experience for us all - from watching the youngest of students build new relationships with the older children to bopping in the wings to 'Waka Waka' - bringing out the inner child in us all! Yesterday, as predicted, has been an emotional one; pleased that we can all have a well-deserved rest, yet sad to put the last meerkat tail in a box and view an empty stage. Many whispers have been heard around school asking "what will the next show be?" or "when can I audition?" It's nice to keep them guessing and waiting in anticipation.. We look forward to bringing you more outstanding performances next year and developing the performing arts further ... watch this space! Did you feel the love tonight? We most certainly did...