Nord Anglia
14 October, 2014

Sports Update

Sports Update - sports-update
Sports Update

Our extensive co-curricular sporting activities programme is now fully underway. Our vision at NAS is that all children who wish to represent the school in competitive sports teams should show commitment through regular attendance at co-curricular activities.

Sports Update An overview of the school's competitive sports teams and associated co-curricular activities.

Our extensive co-curricular sporting activities programme is now fully underway. Our vision at NAS is that all children who wish to represent the school in competitive sports teams should show commitment through regular attendance at co-curricular activities.

We aim to be responsive to the sporting interests of our children and will endeavour to provide competitive opportunities for all. These opportunities may be in the form of league fixtures, friendly matches and tournaments. We are extremely proud of our facilities and as the year progresses we will be hosting various tournaments.


NAS have a comprehensive football CCA programme in place:

  • Year 1 and 2 children train on a Monday with Mr Webb and Mr Johal.
  • Year 3 and 4 children train on a Wednesday with Mr Webb.
  • Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 train on a Tuesday with Mr Cullinan.
  • Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 girls train on a Monday with Ms Swain.

An additional Sunday football session has now also been added to our schedule. This weekly session is free of charge and takes place in our regular CCA slot from 3-4pm. This session is Coordinated by the PE team and delivered by KAFO coaches. The aim of this session is to bring together all boys in year 3, 4, 5 and 6 who are interested in representing the school. In total 37 children attended and we are hoping for even more next week. All children who demonstrate commitment to these sessions will be rewarded with representing the school in matches against other schools.


The primary and secondary swimming squads are now training together on a weekly basis and are starting to prepare for their first competitive swimming galas. The secondary swimming squad participate in two training sessions a week: 

  • Sunday 3-4pm with a Speedo Swim Squads coach
  • Wednesday 3-4pm with Mr Gilpin

Due to the popularity of swimming amongst our primary students the decision was made to train two Primary squads. 

  • Mondays 3-4pm Development Squad train with Mr Gilpin and a Speedo Swim Squads coach. 
  • Tuesdays 3-4pm Competitive Advanced Squad train with Mr Gilpin. 

Children from both primary squads will be considered for primary gala teams. Due to the rules of competition we may have to take a limited number of swimmers to competitive galas hosted by other schools. Whenever we compete we will include as many children as is possible in our teams.


Children across the primary and secondary school have been participating in our netball CCA programme. 

  • Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 children train on a Wednesday with Miss Harrison
  • Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 train on a Tuesday with Miss Duffy, Miss Jenna and Mrs Noonan.
  • Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 also have an additional training session on a Sunday from 3-4pm with Susanne from Top Sports Coaching to help them prepare for their league fixtures.

The school already has an U11 netball team entered in the Dubai Primary Schools League, the games for which are due to begin after half term. The number of Secondary students attending training has steadily increased each week so we are now in a position to enter a Secondary Team in the league which starts after Winter Break. If numbers become sufficiently high we will also look into arranging fun friendly fixtures for the younger players. Players are welcome to join the netball CCAs at any time, they (or their parents) just need to speak to the coach and ask Mrs Lamb to add them to the lists.

Next term we will look to further develop our competitive inter-schools sports programme to include athletics, cross-country, hockey and rugby. In Term 3 we will introduce basketball, rounders and cricket. We are also currently working to incorporate lacrosse into our CCA programme.

In addition to teacher-led CCAs we also have an extensive programme of activities offered by our External Partner Providers. Please contact our providers directly to find out about the exciting range of activities and opportunities they offer.