Ian Motyka

Assistant Head of Primary

Ian is the Assistant Head of Primary for Pre-Nursery to Year 2. He is an experienced teacher and has been part of the Nord Anglia Family for six years. With over a decade of experience, he fosters creativity and a passion for inspiring young minds. Ian cultivates an atmosphere where imagination thrives, and learning becomes an immersive experience.

His classroom is a vibrant hub of innovation, where children are encouraged to visualise their learning and explore concepts in tangible ways. Ian's dynamic approach brings learning to life, turning abstract ideas into concrete experiences that spark curiosity and engagement.

Beyond the classroom, you can find him exploring Shanghai’s culinary restaurant scene, traveling around the globe to uncover new adventures, or harnessing his energy in exhilarating FlowCycle classes. With Ian, every moment is a chance to embrace creativity, curiosity, and the joy of discovery.