Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 March, 2021

Message from Principal

Message from Principal - message-from-principal
Message from Principal

Dear parents,

It has been my pleasure to watch a number of presentations by students in our MYP today.  The students, well prepared by Mr. Jarrett Brown, have given eloquent, interesting and informative speeches, discussing their projects completed this year.  I was very impressed that every single student I was fortunate to see delivered their presentation professionally and enthusiastically - no reading from a powerpoint!  The Year 11 Personal Projects were as diverse as you may expect, from Giovanna’s book on life as a teenage expat, to Jule’s fashion magazine and Humfrey’s mural, from Yewon’s marketing brochure to Oliver’s snowboarding coaching - the one thing in common being that they were all excellent (apologies to those students I wasn’t able to visit this morning).  What was clear is the role of the advisor in this process, as the students described how their teachers were able to support, to challenge and to encourage throughout the long six months these projects take to complete.  
Year 7 showcased their learning in I&S with a museum, and had visitors from Upper Primary enjoy their displays whilst learning about the exhibits.  The students were tasked to create a display based on any aspect of Chinese history, and to be able to share their learning. 
This afternoon Year 10 presented their I&S projects, and Years 7 to 9 presented their work in Art and Music (my newsletter deadline means I am writing this before I get to visit these - I am excited to see more wonderful work being showcased).  In all, it is evident the pride that the students have taken in their work, their application of knowledge and the undoubted support they have from their teachers.  The standards produced are exceptional, and the efforts of both the students and their teachers are evident.  
This week, the Primary School have been excited to launch their new reading and spelling word system. As set out in the English National Curriculum,  there is a requirement for children to read and spell from memory ‘common exception words’, which are words that use a particular combination of letters to represent sound patterns in a rare and unique way.  As there is such a large volume of words at each stage, we have broken them down into smaller sets so that they are easier to manage. This will make it easier for parents to access and support at home.
This week all the primary children were sent home with their reading and spelling word set to practise at home. When they are confident and ready to be tested, they can ask their teacher to test them. This not only promotes individualised learning, as the child progresses through the sets at their own pace, but also encourages the children to take ownership of their own learning. When the children complete each set they will receive a certificate in assembly.  

Today we were so impressed with the how many children received a certificate in assembly. The children today were very proud to be the first ones to achieve their certificates and we appreciate all the support our parents provide at home. We are excited to celebrate more achievements in the future.

Finally you will have seen our upcoming Open Day, which is a chance for new parents considering Léman to visit our campus and talk to our teaching team.  We are very aware of our commitment to all of you, our current community, and your desire to be back on campus more regularly as well - which we wish too!  We hope that after the April holiday we will be able to share news of events that will welcome you back to school.

Have a great weekend,

Tom Ferguson