Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
21 June, 2021

Art and Media Summer Exhibition 2021

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Art and Media Summer Exhibition 2021 In what has been an extraordinary year, our show is a testament to our students' hard work and resilience. Screenshot 20210618 at 145745

Thank you to all who have attended this year's Summer Art and Media Exhibition.

In what has been an extraordinary year, our show is a testament to our students' hard work and resilience. It's such a joy to see them contributing to such an excellent set of exhibitions.

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We are always delighted to share the outstanding work produced by our students and hope you will again join us in congratulating them on the high quality of their work.

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I would again like to thank all parents, academic and non-academic staff for giving this exhibition your full support. If you could not attend the live session but would still like to view the works, please use the following links:

GCSE Art Exhibition Room 1

GCSE Art Exhibition Room 2

GCSE Art Exhibition Room 3

A Level Art Exhibition

GCSE Media Exhibition

A Level Media Exhibition