Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 May, 2020

Spring Concert 2020: Lego Edition

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Spring Concert 2020: Lego Edition With our Virtual School Experience in full swing, our students have participated in a wide variety of exciting online musical performances. It’s great to know that distance is no barrier to experiencing the joy of musical expression. Screenshot 20200528 at 101050 copy hero22

With our Virtual School Experience in full swing, our students have participated in a wide variety of exciting online musical performances and enjoyed the Lego version of our annual Spring Concert. Even though we are separated, it’s great to know that distance is no barrier to experiencing the joy of musical expression.

The focus and determination of our students have continued to amaze me, as we produce fantastic online performances. Concert songs, instrumental recitals, robot dances, crazy hat shows, themed costume balls, and choreographed acts, have all delighted audiences.

[[\media\ISM Krylatskoe Crazy Hat Dance.mp4]]

These collaborative projects give students a great way to remain active and express themselves, whilst keeping alive their passion for music and movement. The opportunity to feel a visible part of the community and maintain social ties has also never been more important. 

To reward the children for their efforts, I decided to surprise them with a special gift. As the end of April approached, I prepared a unique Spring Concert to make the children feel extra special since we could not gather for our usual in-school celebrations. 

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As the moment for the premiere arrived, Years 1 through 4 walked in lines, quietly arriving in their places on stage. Scott Ahearne stepped to the microphone to introduce our 2020 LC Spring Concert. The audience then cheered as the black curtains parted, revealing…

Lego! This year’s annual Lower Campus Spring Concert had been saved by tiny Lego versions of all the children in a stop-motion extravaganza. ISM children around Lower Campus and the world smiled in unison as tiny versions of themselves put on a special performance, just for them. Throughout each step of the making and editing, I couldn’t help but smile, knowing that each of our Lower Campus families in their homes could watch this tiny rendition and feel all the joy we had in making it! 

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Our music program here on Lower Campus will continue to bring joy to the staff, parents, and all our students at ISM, both through our Virtual School and beyond. Our goal has always been to share the thrill of musical expression with our students and we will continue to fulfil our mission!

Written by Anna Harbuck, Music Teacher