Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
09 March, 2020

(I)GCSE & A-Level Evening

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(I)GCSE & A-Level Evening Our (I)GCCE and A Level Options Evening was a great opportunity for our students and their parents from Years 9 and 11 to discuss the various choices they will face in the near future. ISM_Moscow_Krylatskoe UC_2019_203_HERO

Our (I)GCCE and A Level Options Evening was a great opportunity for our students and their parents from Years 9 and 11 to discuss the various choices they will face in the near future.  

The subject fair was very busy with students speaking to the different subject teachers about their potential future studies. Year 11 students all got the chance to think about what they plan to do after school and receive helpful advice about universities.

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Our Deputy Head of Secondary (Academic), Mrs Stephanie Holt, presented to our Year 9 students and parents about the whole options process as this is perhaps the first time in their education that they will be able to have a say over which subjects they study next year. It is a tough decision, especially when our students are so good across all their subjects!

Ms Sarah Robinson, Head of Sixth Form, then spoke to our Year 11 students and parents. This talk focussed on how A-Level subjects are related to university entry requirements and future career plans. There was also a brief explanation of entering university at our three most popular destinations - the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the Netherlands.  

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Students are now part way to making the right choices, setting them on their paths to future success. It is always wonderful to see parents attending these events, as it can be a difficult time for them, whether it is their eldest child or the last one going through the process.

Being able to come, get the most up to date information, and be able to ask questions all means that we are highly confident that our students are also getting helpful guidance at home. Anyone with questions about the options process, universities or careers can always contact us for an appointment.

Written by Ms Robinson, Head of Sixth Form