Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
08 November, 2019

International Week 2019

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International Week 2019 This year, International Week on Upper Campus was based around the theme of 'Democracy'. Students from Year 5 to Year 13 researched different aspects of democracy and explained why it is so important. International week hero DSCF5085

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. To celebrate this important historical event, International Week on Krylatskoe Upper Campus was built around the theme of 'Democracy'.

Students from Year 5 to Year 13 researched different aspects of democracy and explained why it is so important. Parents joined the Upper Primary classrooms and enjoyed an international feast of food from around the world and led a range of activities, such as making English sandwiches and Korean food. 


All students exhibited a piece of work in the Upper Campus exhibition on Friday afternoon and spent time viewing the eclectic range of work around the corridors of the Secondary C-Block building. The majority of the work was presented on iPads and laptops and consisted of stop-motion videos of models of the Berlin Wall falling down, informative slideshows, interactive quizzes and thoughtful questions. 

On Friday there was African singing led by Mr Langford that energised everyone.  

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The week finished with the first sitting of the Upper Campus Parliament, discussing the topic of The International School of Moscow becoming carbon-neutral within the next three years. Led by ‘The Speaker’ (Mr Storey), the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition discussed the topic. Students from across the campus asked questions during the debate. Questions ranged from reducing the use of paper cups to encourage fewer students to travel to school by car. Each class represented a constituency and members of parliament (students) were able to challenge the answers from the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition party. Mr Storey’s use of the term ‘Order’ resulted in him quickly losing his voice. 

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It was a fantastic week and made us all reflect on the importance of democracy in our lives.

Written by Stephen Coburn, Krylatskoe Upper Primary Phase Leader