NAE-UNICEF Summit in NYC - SDG Summit 2023
ICS Communications
17 July, 2023

ICS students attend the 2023 NAE-UNICEF Summit in New York

NAE-UNICEF Summit in NYC - SDG Summit 2023
2023 NAE-UNICEF Summit in NYC

We are very proud of Martina and Amélie, ICS Unicef Ambassadors at the 2023 NAE-Unicef Summit in New York, for their commitment and contribution on behalf of our school and their determination to ensure that the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were heard and discussed.

This was a unique opportunity for Nord Anglia students, in collaboration with our partner UNICEF, which focuses not only on ensuring academic success but also on inspiring students to positively impact their local communities and the world at large.

Our Student Ambassadors engaged in UNICEF-led workshops with fellow NAE students worldwide, highlighting their initiatives at ICS to address the UN SDGs. They will soon bring this enriching experience to all ICS students in the upcoming academic year.

The summit agenda featured a United Nations tour, UNICEF-led workshops, the Student Conference on the SDGs, and explorations of iconic New York City landmarks.