Global Campus Creative Writing Competition Winner - global-campuscreative-writing-competition-winner
Collège du Léman
23 February, 2021

Global Campus Creative Writing Competition Winner

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Global Campus Creative Writing Competition Winner - ArticlePullQuote
This piece on photojournalist Claudia Andujar is not only well-structured, there is a theme of loss throughout that leaves a lasting impression. The writer successfully shows how one can fight for the environment through a medium like photography, and how small actions can lead to big impacts. The illustration is charming and thoughtful, with a quote and caption included.
Maithy Vu
Guest judge
Global Campus Creative Writing Competition Winner Our talented student won the Global Campus 8-11 age group Creative Writing competition! Olympia 2 copy 2

We are very excited to announce that one of our talented students won the 8-11 age category for the Global Campus Creative Writing Competition!

Global Campus is a technology-enabled learning platform dedicated to Nord Anglia schools and their students. Through this, we are able to connect with our 68 sister schools worldwide!

Maithy Vu, Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls editor and our amazing guest judge, gave feedback on our winner's entry, and she said:

Well done! We are extremely proud of this accomplishment and are looking forward to reading more of our students' creative writing pieces in the future.

This year's star winner is pictured below, congratulations to her!