Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
16 November, 2017

Mozart’s The Magic Flute

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Mozart’s The Magic Flute
Mozart’s The Magic Flute

Students in Year 8 are busy composing a musical preview for a favourite book. They have had to ask themselves what the main message the author is communicating, what their personal, favourite takeaway from the story is and if they were trying to entice someone into reading the book, what aspects would they mention? Each group then had to consider how a literary theme could be represented musically; thinking about what musical elements they should consider, how they can musically set the scene for an audience and what music will make an audience want to read the book?

In this project students are looking to perform in an ensemble with an awareness of the intended goals of group performance; offering contributions and feedback and valuing the process of working with others.

Students will then be invited to listen to the overture to The Magic Flute and imagine they are listening to a forthcoming opera, whose story is unfamiliar. They will discuss and reflect, connecting to their experiences during their composition activity.