Collège Champittet
25 June, 2024

Get innovative Two Champittet students among European finalists in MIT STEAM competition

Get innovative Two Champittet students among European finalists in MIT STEAM competition - Get innovative Two Champittet students among European finalists in MIT STEAM competition

Full STEAM ahead! We are thrilled to announce that two of our Champittet students, Sardor A. and Muizabonu U., have soared to the finals in the Nord Anglia Education STEAM competition from the European region.

To enter the competition, students had to respond to the prompt: "If you were an MIT innovator..." This open-ended challenge inspired remarkable proposals from our students – two of whom are now finalists!

Our Champittet student Sardor focused on ophthalmology by creating a sustainable pair of glasses powered by artificial intelligence (AI), which analyses and adapts to the wearer’s vision on a daily basis. With his innovative concept, Sardor landed a coveted spot among the top 10 participants, earning him the exciting opportunity to attend a week-long trip to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) campus in Boston, USA this autumn.

In her proposal, fellow Champittet student Muizabonu developed innovative new technology for outer space. By recycling debris floating around the Earth, her invention is designed to reduce waste and make space travel safer.

The creativity of our Champittet innovators fills us with immense pride. At Champittet, we encourage our learners to apply their knowledge towards solving real-world problems and creating a better future. Our collaboration with MIT is just one way in which we do that.

May our STEAM competition finalists inspire all our students to embark on their own journey towards success!