Collège Champittet
14 May, 2024

Student volunteers tackle pollution on humanitarian trip to Thailand

Trip to Thailand 2024

In early April, a group of Champittet students travelled to Thailand to participate in eco-responsible efforts and raise awareness of ocean plastic pollution.

This humanitarian trip was organised together with the Jan & Oscar Foundation, a Swiss association whose aim is to provide education for underprivileged children in Thailand. For more than 10 years, the Collège Champittet Foundation has proudly partnered with the Jan & Oscar Foundation, which was created by the mother of former Champittet students in memory of her children. During the 10-day trip, our students were accompanied by Mrs Laurence Pian, founder of the Jan & Oscar Foundation, and Champittet art teacher Mrs Cendrine Colin.

Cultural immersion and environmental action

In Southern Thailand, our young volunteers contributed to the Jan & Oscar Foundation’s actions to protect the environment and support disadvantaged children. Witnessing firsthand the problem of plastic pollution, our students joined workers from the social enterprise Ranong Recycle for Environment to safely collect, sort and package plastic waste. They also met members of the local Moken community, engaging in educational programmes for children to raise awareness of marine plastic pollution. At the same time, our students were able to explore and enjoy the natural beauty of their surroundings.

The trip was an eye-opening experience for our students, providing immersion in another culture and environment as well as opportunities to make a positive impact. Developing new friendships and perspectives, our students have returned transformed, more aware of both their privilege and responsibilities.

We look forward to organising more cross-cultural humanitarian trips in the future, enabling our students to consider how they can be a force for good in the world!