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News image Biblioawards Hero Picture Blog | lrc | Learning Resource Center
This week we celebrated all the reading that the students did throughout the school year as well as announce those who won different awards.
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News image Screen Shot 20190531 at 80953 AM Blog | ba | Bandera Azul | High School
Bandera Azul - Final Projects
Summary Students from Bandera Azul made individual projects during the last semester. This is a brief review of what kind of projects they did.
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News image 58 Blog | ba | Bandera Azul
Alrededor de 1 millón de especies animales y vegetales están en peligro de extinción
El informe es un llamado de atención para que los responsables políticos y las empresas tomen medidas decisivas, enfatizando la urgente necesidad de alcanzar en 2020 un nuevo acuerdo para la naturaleza y las personas.
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News image Inclusive Leadership Program Blog | studentsuccess | Student Work and Success
The Inclusive Leadership Program and Its Impact at the Country Day School
At the Country Day School we have a belief that, everyone does learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways. This core belief is shaped around the idea of Inclusion.
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News image EricLINK News | highschool | High School
The reward of well-rounded study
Nearing the end of his first year of University, Nord Anglia International School Shanghai, Pudong graduate Eric Chen shares his thought on how the rigour and well-rounded approach to academic study in his senior years at school prepared him well for his degree.
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News image NAESADLINK News | lrc | Learning Resource Center
The impact of a shared dream
A powerful online tool is spurring students into building more robust charity and social service programmes designed to create a greater, positive impact in their local communities.
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News image CreativityLINK News | lrc | Learning Resource Center
Unleash your creativity
Creativity isn’t a trait unique to those who pursue the arts. Educators say it’s a way of thinking that leads to imaginative and unique solutions to all types of real-world problems.
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News image PAChinaLINK News | 6 | Music
Back to the classics
Students learn far more playing in an orchestra than just learning to perfect the sounds of the music on their own.
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