Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 February, 2025

Weekly Highlights 28/02/2025

Weekly Highlights 28/02/2025 - Weekly Highlights 28 02 2025

Update from the principal

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Mr. Simon Higham, Principal

Dear Parents

Welcome back to another issue of our Weekly Highlights and thank you again for taking time to read through the many successes that have occurred across BVIS this week.

Nord Anglia Regional Teaching and learning Conference.

As mentioned in last week’s Highlights, 7 colleagues and I returned to school on Wednesday, after representing BVIS HCMC at our Regional Nord Anglia Education (NAE) Teaching and Learning Conference, held this year at NAS Abu Dhabi.

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With 198 attendees, offering over 80 different workshops, this annually run event hosted by a different NAE school each year, allows our schools to both connect with each other and share best practice to ensure that all students experience the most up to date and forward-thinking practices linked to academic learning and pastoral care.

A small selection of the workshops offered this year were:

- Leading the way: Changing perspectives on neurodiversity through empathy and language
- AI in education – This time it’s different!
- Elevating student empowerment – unlocking leadership potential
- The role of brain monitoring technologies in educational leadership
- Developing a coaching culture
- Balancing the scales: Wellbeing an excellence in education

Events such as these enable great learning and thinking. However, what they also do is bring people together and help us make stronger connections across our NAE region. In my view, this should never be underestimated as we all learn well from others and their own, personal experiences.

This weekend, I encourage you to reflect upon how you learn from others. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. When did you last learn from the experiences of someone else?

2. What did you learn and why was this important?

3. How has this learning helped you to do things differently and what was the impact of this change?

4. What skills and experiences could you share with others, to help them learn to do things differently, with greater impact?

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback, either by directly emailing me or through a discussion at the school gate.

It’s Not All Work, Work, Work Though.....

The conference also allows us to have a little bit of fun too:

Congratulations to Mr Toby for winning the most connected delegate on the conference app (it was a BVIS 1st and 2nd place finish!!) 

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Also, before we left for Abu Dhabi, I was given a challenge by members of our BVIS Marketing team to re-enact the famous ‘Abbey Road’ Beatles record cover using both present and future BVIS and BIS Vietnam Principals. I hope that you enjoy the outcome below!

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Nord Anglia Education Publishes First Year Findings from Metacognition Research Project with Boston College

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One of the keynote presentations at this year’s conference was linked to the NAE Metacognition Research Project with Boston College. Read more about this extensive, worldwide piece of educational research in this post.

As the article is published on our Central NAE website, there is not Vietnamese translation. Should you require more information in Vietnamese language, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Thao (Director of Admissions and Marketing) who would be happy to talk you through the content.

LoveBVIS 2025 - Show Your Love to BVIS Today!

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Over the next 2 weeks from 3rd to 16th March 2025, we welcome you all to take part in one of our favourite events of the year – #LoveBVIS weeks!

#LoveBVIS is a great opportunity for our community to celebrate the love they have towards our school through meaningful actions. 

Throughout these 2 weeks, we’d like to hear more from our community regarding your memorable experiences and reflections about BVIS. To find out more about how you can show your love towards BVIS, click here to find all the information you need.

I would like to personally thank everyone for taking time to show their appreciation towards our amazing school and wider community.

Contact Us

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Should you wish to contact your child’s Class Teacher(s) or Form Tutor directly, we encourage communication to be written in the language you most feel confident to use. 

Parents may also find it useful to contact their child’s class teacher(s) or form tutor directly for all individual queries about their academic work/social and emotional wellbeing in school.  Individual contact details can be found in the Parent's Handbooks or via our Primary/Secondary Receptionists.   

Thank you again for taking time to read through our Highlights and have a great weekend ahead!

BVIS Weekly Highlights

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Mrs Mary McAloon, Head of Primary

A Memorable Adventure in Long Hai

Our Year 4 students had an unforgettable time on their first residential trip to Long Hai! Over the course of the trip, they took part in a variety of exciting activities, building confidence, teamwork and lasting friendships.  It was wonderful to see the students work together, support one another and embrace new challenges with enthusiasm. Their independence and resilience have grown tremendously and their excellent behaviour made their teachers proud. This trip was just the beginning of the many more adventures planned as the students grow and develop through Upper Primary.

Thank you to our Year 4 teaching team for the careful planning, preparation and support during the trip.

Year 5 Visit the Mekong Delta

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This week our Year 5 students were also out and about on their residential trip. The Year 5 team have been working hard for several months with our expeditions partner, Asia Motions, to plan and prepare for this rewarding trip full of exciting experiences that will remain with the students as fond memories forever. The three-day trip allowed students to immerse themselves in life in the Mekong Delta, where they experienced many typical activities for the people living there.  Activities included mud fishing, canoeing and cooking where students worked as a team to complete fun challenges for their school’s house.  

Thank you to our Year 5 team of teaching staff for guiding the students through their exciting trip of the year.

The Jobs People do

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Our Year 2 topic this term is all about the jobs people do.  Students spend time to explore the different jobs in society and how they benefit communities. To help build understanding around this topic, the Year 2 students visited Vietopia this week with their teachers to find out for themselves what some common jobs are like. Vietopia enables students to experience first hand the types of jobs people do in a play-based environment. The students returned to school with enthusiasm to continue to discuss and share their observations of what they learned and experienced whilst out at Vietopia.

Visiting Author – Nawal Kalra!

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World Book Day in the UK is celebrated annually on the first Thursday in March. This year at BVIS, we are celebrating the world of books throughout the week of 3rd March to inspire and encourage students to increase the amount of time spent enjoying reading in both Vietnamese and English. For part of the week, we will welcome a special guest author, Nawal Kalra who has written a number of children’s books that promote emotional literacy. Students will join Ms Nawal for bespoke workshops on story writing and reading.

We are all looking forward to the variety of activities that Ms Ha and Ms Rioghnach, our Literacy Leaders, and Ms Ngoc Anh, our Head Librarian, are planning for the week. One event not to be missed is the dress-up day on Friday 7th March; each year group will dress in the theme of a chosen animal to help celebrate the wonder of books!  Please see ClassDojo for specific costume details. 

Upcoming events

  1. 03-07/03/25: Book Week & LOVE BVIS Week
  2. 03-04/03/25: Book Sale in Primary Foyer
  3. 06-07/03/25: Primary Author Visit from Nawal Kalra
  4. 07/03/25 – Book Week Dress-up day 
  5. 20/03/25 - 2pm: Principal’s Afternoon Tea
  6. 24/03/25: International Week

BVIS Weekly Highlights

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Mr Toby Bate, Head of Secondary

FOBISIA Visual Art Competition Update

We have received the results of this year's FOBISIA Art Competition where students had to respond to the theme "Earth Canvas: Young Artists for a Greener Tomorrow". We received some fantastic and creative entries from students across KS3, KS4 and KS5, celebrating a variety of techniques from painting to digital artwork.

This year's theme deeply resonated with students, and Zennie's powerful watercolour painting stood out for its impactful message of environmental sustainability. Her artwork beautifully reflects a strong commitment to a greener future, and how Art can help us to be hopeful about the future. We are so proud of her talent and dedication. Well done, Zennie!

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An Update From Our English Department

Learning in life never happens in a linear, clear fashion. It is never straightforward but always fascinating and enriching, much like reading itself. In preparation for World Book Week, teachers and students collaborated to create My Learning Journey posters, sparking lively discussions. 

These posters have encouraged students to approach teachers, learn more about their experiences, and explore their journeys into teaching—fostering connections and a shared love for learning.

Cooking ECA 

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We are thrilled to share the delightful start of our Cooking Club ECA! Our budding chefs had a good time as they mixed, measured, and mastered the art of baking. The students enthusiastically rolled up their sleeves, showcasing their teamwork, creativity, and precision. They learned essential skills such as following recipes, understanding measurements, and practicing kitchen safety. The grand finale was a batch of delicious lime drizzled cupcakes, that were enjoyed by all.

It was a sweet success, and we can't wait to see what they'll cook up next!

An Update From Our Psychology Department  

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Over the last few months, our psychology students embarked on an exciting journey of discovery by conducting their own research projects. Working collaboratively in groups, they designed, implemented, and evaluated studies that explored various aspects of behaviour and attitudes among their peers and the general population. This hands-on experience not only deepened their understanding of research methodologies but also honed their critical thinking and teamwork skills. The culmination of their hard work was a series of engaging presentations, where each group shared their findings with the class, fostering a rich environment of learning and discussion. This project has empowered students to take ownership of their learning and appreciate the complexities of psychological research.

Year 9 Residential Trip 

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Our Year 9 students went on an exhilarating school trip to Hồ Tràm that was filled with fun outdoor activities that included team competitions. They began the trip with a combination of activities such as archery tag, followed by a disc golf game, both of which required lots of precision. The students had to cooperate carefully while racing over obstacles and attempting to balance buckets of water. 

Everyone enjoyed playing the life-sized version of human foosball, which was great fun. The students also participated in craft and team game workshops, which gave them an opportunity to socialise. The trip was a unique combination of fun, teamwork, and was an overall very memorable experience.

Lyly - 9S

From Tiny Sprouts to a Tiki Triumph! 

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The school garden has had a 'blooming' good upgrade this holiday! Thanks to some creative re-leaf from the Tet Fair, the BVIS maintenance team skilfully repurposed materials to build a brand-new, larger Tiki Hut—a shady little retreat with sustainability at its core.

What started as a few plants in Mr Every’s Science room four years ago, with Ms Mumby-Cole Googling “How not to kill plants”, has now blossomed into a lush green space for students and staff to enjoy. The bougainvilleas are bursting, the bamboo is booming, and our commitment to recycling, reusing, and reducing envornmental impact is growing stronger than ever.

With ECAs starting again next week, there’s still space for secondary students to dig in, get their hands dirty, and show off their green thumbs! 

Safer Internet Week 2025

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This week, our students have been actively engaged in Safer Internet Week, participating in a range of activities designed to raise awareness about staying safe online.

House Quiz: Students competed to test their knowledge of internet safety, earning points for their House.

Themed PSHE Lessons: Year groups explored age-appropriate internet safety topics, helping them develop essential skills to navigate the digital world safely.

12-Hour Quiz Drop: Students had a limited time to watch an educational video and complete a quiz, reinforcing key safety messages while earning House points.

Global Campus Digital Detox Challenge: Some students also took part in this month-long challenge, reflecting on their screen time and digital habits.

Promoting online safety is a shared responsibility, and we are committed to ensuring our school community stays informed and protected. We encourage parents to continue these conversations at home to help reinforce positive digital behaviours.

Thank you for your ongoing support in keeping our students safe online!

House Sways 

The links below display the House Sways, which are put together by our House student leaders. As the term progresses different posts and updates will be added displaying the relevant news for each of the Houses. 

Dalat - Dalat House News 
Hanoi - Hanoi House News  
Hue - Hue House News 
Saigon - Saigon House News

Sparx Maths Champions 

The Sparx Maths Weekly Champion is the student who is the top XP earner in each year group. 

Students earn XP by completing tasks in their Sparx Homework 

  • Compulsory Tasks earn 60-80XP 
  • XP Boost Tasks earn 120-150XP 
  • Target Tasks earn 120-150XP 
  • Independent Learning Tasks earn 100XP 
  • Students reach a new Sparx Level every 10000XP 

Huge congratulations go to our Top XP earners this week, who are:

Year Group  Name  Class 
 7 Bim Luu  7S
 8 Phu Dong Nguyen  8zMat2y
 9  Anna Quach  9zMat2x
 10 Quoc An Nguyen 10zMat1
 11 Dennis Doan  11zMat2y

Bedrock Champions  

This week’s bedrock champions are:  

Year 7 - Ho Le Phuc Lam
Year 8 - Le Hong Minh Quang
Year 9 - Chung Quang Huy 
Year 10 - Vo Duong Gia Han 
Year 11 - Ngo Khanh Ngoc 

Congratulations to all the above students who came up on top in their respective Year groups. A special well done to Mraz who achieved the highest Bedrock points total across the whole of the secondary school for this week! 

Champion of the week!

This week’s champion is...

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Congratulations and well-done to Minh Anh!

Champion Tutor Group of the week!

This week’s Champion tutor group is

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Congratulations to 789b/dalat2, well done!

Housepoint Totals

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Congratulations to Hanoi house who are still leading the house point challenge.

Upcoming Events

  1. 03 - 07/03/25: World Book Week
  2. 06/03/25: Year 13 parents’ eve
  3. 10–14/03/25: LoveBVIS week (Secondary)
  4. 12/03/25: Puberty Seminar
  5. 20/03/25: Year 12 parents’ eve
  6. 27/03/25: Year 9 parents’ eve

Child Protection

The health, safety and wellbeing of our students remains the number one priority at BVIS HCMC.

Should you have a concern for the welfare of any child in our school, please refer to our Safeguarding poster below: 

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