Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 September, 2024

Weekly Highlights 13/09/2024

Weekly Highlights 13/09/2024 - Weekly Highlights 13 09 2024

Update from the principal

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Mr. Simon Higham, Principal

Dear Parents

Welcome to this week’s Edition of the Weekly Highlights and thank you for taking time to engage and connect with them.

Typhoon Yagi

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I am sure you are all aware of the devastation caused by Typhoon Yagi in the North of Vietnam last weekend and we are all very saddened to hear of the loss of life alongside the significant damage to homes, buildings and essential infrastructure caused by this powerful storm.

Currently, our 4 Nord Anglia Schools in Vietnam (BVIS HCMC, BIS HCMC, BVIS Hanoi and BIS Hanoi) are working together to investigate how we can best support our northern communities worst affected by this devastating event.

Early next week, please look out from an email from me, that will confirm our next steps to help maximise our collective support to those who are most in need.

Our thoughts are with all those affected during these challenging times.

I would like to personally thank all parents who have also been engaging and connecting with our school this week, with Primary V and S classes attending their first parent/teacher meetings of the year on Tuesday and Thursday, together with our Year 11 parents attending the Options Evening on Thursday too.

Additional thanks to all parents who attended Wednesday’s Principal’s Afternoon Tea. This event showcased our newly updated facilities and gave everyone a chance to sample the high quality of our lunchtime food provision in the new Primary Canteen.

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Reminder – Friends of BVIS (FoBVIS)

If you would like to get involved with our parent/teacher group called Friends of BVIS (FoBVIS) please see the contact information below:

Ms. Nhien (Events Manager) (+84) 906 880 005.Weekly Highlights 13/09/2024 - Weekly Highlights 13 09 2024

No matter how much time you can offer, all is both respected and welcomed. We are looking forward to having you part of the team!

Developing a strong school community and working together in partnership between home and school, is vital to enhance and maximise our children’s positive learning experience across our school – as always, your support is much appreciated.

Extra-Curricular Clubs are back!

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This week is always one of the most anticipated times of Term 1 as our extra-curricular clubs programme began.

It has been very encouraging to see so many of our EYFS, Primary and Secondary students attending enrichment activities beyond their individual classrooms.

Whether they are playing their favourite sport, partaking in a new pastime or pushing the boundaries of their thinking beyond 3.05pm, I wish them all the very best.

If your child(ren) has/have not yet signed up for a club or you want to find out more about our extra-curricular programme, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher/tutor and as always, they would be happy to support.

Our Primary and Secondary Block 1A and 1B booklets can be found here.

Thien Nhan (Kiwi), Class of 2018, shares unique study abroad experiences in the US and Australia

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Year on year, our BVIS graduates enter the world’s top global universities. This year, 1 in 2 of them will attend a top 50 university worldwide.

Our Alumni have inspirational stories to share and I encourage you to read about Kiwi – a graduate of BVIS back in 2018 - to learn more about how his experiences and unique opportunities at BVIS and abroad have positively influenced his personal life, passions, and career pathway.

Click here to find out more

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Great to hear from you Kiwi and looking forward to hearing more about your future successes.

Welcome to our New Teachers

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- Bachelor of Science in Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics, University of Birmingham (2010)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Mathematics at the University of Warwick (2017)

Phil completed his degree in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Birmingham, UK, before going on to complete a PhD in Biomedical Imaging. He taught at schools in Birmingham and London for six years where he was Second in Department. Here, Phil was the lead teacher for preparing students for University entrance examinations and external Mathematics competitions. He also has several years’ experience as an examiner for UK examination boards.

Phil has lived the last three years teaching across Australia and working as a Mathematics Subject Lead for Ochre Education, which as a company focuses on educational equity for all students.

Phil loves travelling, sports, food, and photography and is very excited to be living and teaching at BVIS in Ho Chi Minh City.

Contact Us

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Should you wish to contact your child’s Class Teacher(s) or Form Tutor directly, we encourage communication to be written in the language you most feel confident to use. 

Parents may also find it useful to contact their child’s class teacher(s) or form tutor directly for all individual queries about their academic work/social and emotional wellbeing in school.  Individual contact details can be found in the Parent's Handbooks or via our Primary/Secondary Receptionists.   

As always, everyone across our school wishes you a safe and enjoyable weekend ahead.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

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Mrs Mary McAloon, Head of Primary

Moon Festival Celebration

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A productive week of learning was rounded off with a spectacular celebration of the upcoming Moon Festival this year on the eve of Tuesday 17th September. Our Years 3 and 5 students gave primary students a fantastic performance on stage with singing, dancing and fantastic MCs narrating the messages that Moon Festival carries for Vietnam. Before the show on stage, we were all treated to a magnificent dragon dance with celebratory drumming that certainly sent energy flowing through the audience. As a gift from BVIS, all primary students carried home a lantern at the end of the day to help celebrate the full moon next Tuesday.

Congratulations to our Year 3 and 5 students for the talented performances and to the teaching teams for creating and directing the show.  Thank you to the Year 3 and 5 families who joined to watch the performance. 

Year 4 Explorers and Adventurers 

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This term’s topic for Lien Ket in Year 4 is, ‘Explorers and Adventurers’. The topic is designed to inspire a student’s curiosity about how the world is mapped and encourage them to become young explorers. The beginning of the topic began with an inspiring ‘Entry Point’ on Thursday this week. During the event, students assimilated the role of adventurers and explorers in different habitats. Through the experiential tasks set, students had a sense of what it would be like to explore scenes of the ocean, forest, desert and Antarctica. There were competitions, art activities, singing and quizzes for all to enjoy. The event was full of excitement and the children visibly built enthusiasm about what they will be learning this term. Wishing Year 4 all the best in their learning during this new topic.

Primary Canteen

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Following this week’s Principal’s afternoon tea that introduced our newly renovated primary canteen and gave families the opportunity to taste the dishes that students choose for lunch, the primary student council have started planning the official ceremonial opening of the new area. After one month, students are now settled into their routines of lunch, enjoying the new seating arrangements and appreciating the aesthetics that the canteen offers. The official opening will offer a time to bring the team together behind the project to give our thanks and appreciation for the hard work and dedication that was given to the area which primary students use daily for lunch. Keep an eye on the weekly highlights and ClassDojo for updates on this special occasion.

Staying Healthy

Thank you to all those families who completed the form to inform Binh Chanh local health department of students who are fully vaccinated against measles. This information is being gathered to ensure children in the city are protected as part of the city’s efforts to prevent measles from spreading. If you have not done so already, please complete the form at the link in the email sent to parents. If you are unsure as to whether your child is fully vaccinated against measles, we encourage you to check with your local medical centre. Thank you.

Upcoming Events

  1. 19/09/24 - 08:30am: Phonics Workshop 1 (open to F3, Year 1 and Year 2 families)
  2. 26/09/24 - 08:30am: Phonics Workshop 2 (open to F3, Year 1 and Year 2 families)
  3. 30/09/24: Bilingual Month begins – look out for the family challenge
  4. 01/10/24 - 08:30am: Parent Workshop: Helping at Home for EYFS Primary Parents (open to F1, F2 & F3 families)
  5. 03/10/24 - 08:30am: Phonics and Reading Workshop 3 (open to Year 1 to 3 families)
  6. 14 – 18/10/24: School Closed for Half Term Holiday
  7. 21/10/24 - 08:25: School Resumes

BVIS Weekly Highlights

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Mr Toby Bate, Head of Secondary

Sporting Performance

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It is with great pleasure that I am able write to you about the performances of Eric (Y7) and Angie (Y9) who both took part in Oceanman -2024 Cam Ranh- Vietnam (The biggest international open water swimming series) last Saturday.

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Competing against other students in the Under 19 category Angie was able to finish 2nd and Eric came 15th. Considering how young both of our students are, this is an amazing achievement. We look forward to helping both these young athletes continue to develop their enthusiasm for all sport at BVIS 

Leadership Programme

Our student leadership program is more popular than ever and is growing year upon year. This week we would like to congratulate our newest recruits, ranging from Year 7 to Year 13.

Our latest Tutor Representatives will be instrumental in ensuring that the voices of their tutor groups are heard. Through regular meetings with other Student Leaders and Heads of House, they will play a key role in tailoring the school experience for their peers, bringing fresh insights and representing the student body.

Equally exciting is the introduction of a brand-new role, our Digital Innovators. Our Digital Innovators will be at the forefront of developing policies around digital learning, cyber security and helping their House's media presence. These leaders will explore innovative ways to incorporate AI into the school curriculum, making BVIS a hub for future-ready education.

Finally, the Student Council has recruited another dynamic cohort of enthusiastic leaders. Their fresh ideas and burning aspiration are sure to make a lasting impact, as they work toward creating positive change for the entire school community.

Congratulations to all new student leaders!

Chemistry Week

Chemistry Week: A Future-Focused Celebration

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Chemistry Week is an annual celebration of the chemical sciences. At BVIS, we marked this special occasion from September 9th to 13th 2024, with the theme "Chemistry is Shaping the Future."

From reducing our carbon footprint to improving nutrition and creating sustainable materials, chemistry plays a vital role in addressing global challenges. It's the foundation of everything we touch and wear, from life-saving medicines to solutions for energy and water scarcity.

Throughout the week, our students engaged in a variety of activities that highlighted the exciting applications of chemistry. On Wednesday, they delved into the fascinating world of polymers, exploring their potential for future innovations. They also conducted neutralisation experiments, gaining a deeper understanding of their importance in areas such as sustainable farming.

The week culminated in a spectacular showcase of chemistry demonstrations. The Elephant Toothpaste experiment captivated students with its visual impact, demonstrating the power of catalysts in chemical reactions. Additionally, the thermite reaction provided a thrilling glimpse into the extraction of metals from ore compounds, emphasising their significance in our future.

Through these activities, our students gained a newfound appreciation for the role of chemistry in shaping our world. They discovered the endless possibilities that chemistry holds for addressing global challenges and creating a sustainable future.

Sparx Maths Champions 

The Sparx Maths Weekly Champion is the student who is the top XP earner in each year group. 
Students earn XP by completing tasks in their Sparx Homework 

  • Compulsory Tasks earn 60-80XP 
  • XP Boost Tasks earn 120-150XP 
  • Target Tasks earn 120-150XP 
  • Independent Learning Tasks earn 100XP 

Students reach a new Sparx Level every 10000XP 

Huge congratulations go to our Top XP earners this week, who are:

Year Group




Bim Luu



Susie Le



Angel Luu



Keely Tse



Jenny Luu


Bedrock Champions  

This week’s bedrock champions are:  

Year 7 Dang Minh Tri 
Year 8 Le Hong Minh Quang
Year 9 Duong Nguyen Trang Nhung   
Year 10 Pham Vu Tam Nhu
Year 11 Nguyen Le Phuong Doanh   
Year 12 Ngo Cam Phung    

Congratulations to all the above students who came up on top in their respective Year groups. A special well done to Mraz (Le Hong Minh Quang) who achieved the highest Bedrock points total across the whole of Secondary! 

Champion of the week

This week’s champion is...

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Congratulations and well done to Susie (Gia Han)!

Champion Tutor Group

This week's Champion tutor group is...

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Congratulations to everyone in Saigon4! Well done!

Housepoint Totals

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Mr Hooley will be very happy to see that Saigon have accelerated into the lead ahead of Dalat! Well done to all involved and keep earning Housepoints for your house!

Upcoming Events
  1. 19/09: Year 9 Options Evening
  2. 24/09: Core subject coffee morning
  3. 04/10: Year 11 parents’ evening
  4. 10/10: Year 9 parents’ evening
  5. 31/10: Year 13 parents’ evening

Child Protection

The health, safety and wellbeing of our students remains the number one priority at BVIS HCMC.

Should you have a concern for the welfare of any child in our school, please refer to our Safeguarding poster below: 

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