Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 August, 2024

Weekly Highlights 30/08/2024

Weekly Highlights 30/08/2024 - Weekly Highlights 30 08 2024

Update from the principal

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Mr. Simon Higham, Principal

Dear Parents

It is with great pleasure that I share with you the latest edition of our Weekly Highlights. Thank you again for taking time to engage and connect with them to help you celebrate the many successes that have occurred across our school community this week.

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As always, your support for our school is extremely important to us as we work in partnership to offer the best educational opportunities for your child(ren).

Alongside the highest levels of care and pastoral support that we offer to all BVIS students, academic success is also key to ensuring our students are in control to create their own futures.

This week, it was confirmed that BVIS students achieved the highest percentage of A* and A grades in A level examinations across our Nord Anglia Education schools within the SEAMEI Region (Southeast Asia, Middle East and India).

Additionally, our class of 2024, also ranked 3rd across all NAE schools globally, with 52% of all A level grades being either A* or A. These results clearly speak for themselves!

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As Mr Bate stated in the Highlights last week: ‘Numbers and statistics only ever reveal some of the picture however, and the Year 13 students not only achieved exceptionally highly academically, but they also made a real difference to the school and have left a legacy that will be further built upon. Their work on wellbeing and developing student leadership will be further expanded this year, as well as the numerous events that they helped run for other students. 

History and Heritage of BVIS

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In order to achieve the outcomes that we do, I truly believe that together with the best teaching and non-teaching staff, a school must have a well-established and purposeful heritage, traditions and most importantly an identity through a strong culture.

The year of 2024 is a remarkable milestone in the 13-year journey of the British Vietnamese International School HCMC in driving academic excellence with outstanding successes. Throughout our history, BVIS has embodied its mission of cultivating knowledge set by Mr Maurice and Madam Rosie Nguyen - the former Founders and Directors of the renowned BIS Group of Schools.

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Mr Maurice and Madam Rosie recognised the common concern of Vietnamese parents in seeking an international style of education that nurtures a young, talented, ambitious generation who thrive within a global environment but without losing their home language, culture and traditions. 

Our culture is built around students becoming true global citizens with a Vietnamese perspective, and I invite you to learn more about our school’s history and traditions through this post.

Where Can I Find News About BVIS?

Please note that both above News articles, together with all copies of the Weekly Highlights can be found in the ‘News’ section that is located on our school website.

1. Click the 3 lines on the right-hand side of our Homepage:

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2. Click on the ‘News’ link at the right-hand side of the page: 

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Here you will find:

  • All editions of our Weekly Highlights
  • Interesting and topical posts from our school, about our school. 

This long weekend, take time to talk with your child(ren) about one of our News articles and ask:

  1. What inspires you from this article?
  2. What questions does the article raise?
  3. How will I find out who is the best person to ask these questions?
  4. How will this help support your learning and ability to further thrive at our school?

Welcome to our New Teacher

This week, we are delighted to welcome Mr Marc Brenner, our Whole School Counsellor who started his BVIS journey from this academic year. 

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- Bachelor of Arts in Humanistic and Intergrative Counselling, Middlesex University (2019)
- Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling (QCF) (2017)

Marc is a BACP Professional Standards Authority Registered & Accredited Honours Graduate in Humanistic & Integrative Counselling. In the previous role in the UK as School Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Champion and Clinical Supervisor; he regularly practiced Person Centred and Solution Focussed Holistic Counselling Skills.

With extensive experience of a range of Mental Health issues working throughout Schools in London and the South East of England, Marc is passionate about supporting and safeguarding children, young people, parents/careers and professionals from harm. 

Advocating on behalf of others, and believing in the development of trusting positive therapeutic relationships, he continues to build on his own skills, knowledge and experience to benefit and promote Mental and Physical wellbeing for all.

When not in the Counselling room, Marc can be found utilising his FA Football Coaching Badge and Table – Tennis skills.

Reminder - Principal’s Afternoon Tea and Friends of BVIS (FoBVIS) 

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On Tuesday this week, I sent an email to all parents with regards to our parent/teacher group called Friends of BVIS (FoBVIS) and for you to register to join our first Principal’s Afternoon Tea of this academic year.

  • Wednesday 11th September
  •  2.00pm - 3.00pm
  •  Main Hall / Primary Canteen

Please check you Inboxes to register – I'm really looking forward to welcoming you to this event.

Contact Us 

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Should you wish to contact your child’s Class Teacher(s) or Form Tutor directly, we encourage communication to be written in the language you most feel confident to use. 

Parents may also find it useful to contact their child’s class teacher(s) or form tutor directly for all individual queries about their academic work/social and emotional wellbeing in school. Individual contact details can be found in the Parents’ Handbooks or via our Primary/Secondary Receptionists.   

Thanks again for taking time to read through the Highlights – have a great long weekend ahead and see you again when school reopens on Wednesday 4th September.

Take care, be happy and be safe!

BVIS Weekly Highlights

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Mrs Mary McAloon, Head of Primary

Primary Parents’ Evening Meetings

The next opportunity for parents to meet their class teachers is the one-to-one parent consultations in the first and second week of September. If you have not done so already, please book an individual time to meet with the class teachers or contact Primary receptionist if you are having difficulties with booking through the online system. We must aim for 100% attendance at these meetings as they allow the “team around the child” (parents and teachers) to support learning and progress and ensure every child goes beyond expectations. We look forward to sharing with parents how the children have settled into their new year group and sharing more about their targets for the year.

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ClassDojo Connection

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Home school connection is at the heart of successful learning and progress for children. One tool used to ensure efficient and effective communication between home and school is ClassDojo.  Parents and teachers can communicate individually through the chat message function. Class teachers have now set up group messages with families to allow the team around the child to share and discuss together in one message thread; please use this group message to ask any questions or share observations about your child(ren)’s learning.

Every Friday teachers will post the learning planned for the upcoming week on the Class Dojo page. This is a great way to connect and engage with your child’s learning. I encourage you to use this resource at home with your child, discuss their experiences in the week completed and the future learning planned.

As the year gets underway and your child settles into their new year group, please connect with your child’s class teachers with any questions that you have.

Creating the foundations for success

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When we return from the national holiday, our Fundinotots children will meet again after the summer break for their regular engaging and inspiring sessions together.  Fundinotots is for babies and toddlers aged 4 to 36 months to play and explore together with a family member. This year with a wealth of experience in child development, Ms Linh will be leading the Fundinotots sessions.  With the carefully selected resources and planned experiences for every baby and toddler’s growth and development, we know we will observe the children increasing in confidence to play and explore alongside others from outside their home.  

A baby’s experience begins to shape their understanding of the world, their emotions, their confidence and their social skills. During the sessions, Ms Linh and her team will provide guidance for our Fundinotots parents in achieving this enrichment and opportunity. Fundinotots is where it all starts for your child, as it offers a place for them to explore, create and innovate and in addition, offers parents a supportive community.  

If you are interested in being part of this wonderful community, we invite you to come and experience it in action for yourself. Ms Huyen our admissions officer will arrange a trial visit for you and your child. Please contact Ms Huyen by email at or by telephone on 028 3758 8033 to organise a visit.

Upcoming Events

  1. 04 & 05/09/2024: Parents’ Evening Meetings for B and I classes 
  2. 06/09/2024 -13:30: Parent Workshop – Learning Technologies in Primary (open to Y1 to Y6 parents)
  3. 10 & 12/09/2024: Parents’ Evening Meetings for V and S classes  
  4. 11/09/2024 -14:00: Principal’s Afternoon Tea (open to all families)
  5. 19/09/2024 -08:30am: Phonics Workshop 1 (open to F3, Year 1 and Year 2 families)
  6. 26/09/2024 -08:30am: Phonics Workshop 2 (open to F3, Year 1 and Year 2 families)
  7. 01/10/2024 -08:30am: Parent Workshop: Helping at Home for EYFS Primary Parents (open to F1, F2 & F3 families)
  8. 03/10/2024 -08:30am: Phonics and Reading Workshop 3 (open to Year 1 to 3 families)

BVIS Weekly Highlights

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Mr Toby Bate, Head of Secondary

 Amazing A level results

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Now that we have had a bit longer to process the A level results and that the UK has published their overall A level results, we can clearly see just how fantastic BVIS’s results this year were. A huge well done to the students, parents and teachers who were involved in helping our students achieve so amazingly.

A fuller analysis including the brilliant IGCSE results can also be found here Congratulations on the outstanding IGCSE and A-Level achievements of BVIS students in 2024! (

Mr Bate

Mr Jon Every – Assistant Headteacher

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I’m Jon Every, the new Secondary Assistant Headteacher, responsible for Data and Reporting. After six years as Head of Science, I'm delighted to continue to make a positive impact here at BVIS. My new role focuses on combining pastoral data—such as attendance, behaviour, and wellbeing—with academic data from assessments and exams, to effectively support each student. As a parent of two children at the school, in F3 and Year 2, I understand the importance of balancing academic progress with personal development. My aim is to ensure that every child thrives, not just academically, but also in their overall development and school experience.

U19 Football Champions

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I’m happy to be able to report that the Rising Star U19 Bulldogs won the Simple Football Championship on Saturday beating BIS in the final. 

The full team on the day consisted of:

Dang Tung - 12V
Duc Tri - 12I
Dang Dai (Michael) - 13C
Khanh (Billy) - 13H
Trieu Hoang (Jimmy) - 12B
Gia Ngoc - 12H
Gia Bao - 13C
Dan Khoi - 13H
Minh Tien - 12C
Thien Phu (Billy)- 10I
Minh Dan (Vio) - 10B
Viet Dung (Messi) - 13I
Hoang Nhan (Nicky) - 12S
Phuc Nguyen (Anthony) - 12H

A special well done goes to Michael who was named the tournament’s MVP and to Billy who was named as the tournament’s MVP Goalkeeper.

Champion of the week

This week’s champion is...
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Khanh from 789/Saigon3 - Congratulations and well done to Khanh. 

House Sways

The links below display the House Sways, which are put together by our House student leaders. As the term progresses different posts and updates will be added displaying the relevant news for each of the Houses.

First News Champions and Bedrock Champions

Every week from now on, we will publish the winning students from each year group in Year 7 to Year 12 for Bedrock and Year 7 to Year 9 in First News.

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These two platforms give different ways that our students can improve their English outside of school across a range of subject areas. Further details on how your child can access these platforms can be obtained from your child’s English teacher or by simply asking your son/daughter to show you on their device.

Housepoints update

We can see that the flying start that the staff gave to Dalat has enabled them to continue to stay in the lead thus far.

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Pastoral update

Extra- curricular activities allow students to extend their learning outside of their timetabled lessons, and explore areas that interest them. Students are encouraged to participate in at least one each week, however with ECA’s on offer every day they can opt to do something different each day of the week. 
Our ECA programme starts on the week commencing 9th September. Schools Buddy has now closed for sign up, but if your son/daughter would still like to get involved, please contact Ms Tran directly. 

If you would like to review what is on offer this term please have a look through our ECA booklet: eca-booklet-1408.pdf (

Upcoming Events

  1. 02 & 03/09/2024: Public holidays – school closed
  2. 09/09/2024: ECAs Block 1A starts
  3. 11/09/2024: Principal’s Afternoon Tea
  4. 12/09/2024: Year 11 Options Evening
  5. 19/09/2024: Year 9 Options Evening
  6. 24/09/2024: Core subject coffee morning

Child Protection

The health, safety and wellbeing of our students remains the number one priority at BVIS HCMC.

Should you have a concern for the welfare of any child in our school, please refer to our Safeguarding poster below: 

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