Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
29 August, 2024

Experience and Exploration Week – a chance for children to experience first-hand our British style education

Experience and Exploration Week – a chance for children to experience first-hand our British style education - Experience and Exploration Week a chance for children to experience British style education

The Experience and Exploration Week is a fantastic opportunity for new students aged 2 to 5 years old to explore and genuinely experience our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum taught in two languages at BVIS. 

Experience and Exploration Week – a chance for children to experience first-hand our British style education - Experience and Exploration Week a chance for children to experience British style education 

During the week, children will be exposed to a personalised   approach with a team of experienced and caring teachers. Your children  will participate in engaging learning through play activities and experience the superior facilities at BVIS, laying a foundation for language development, emotional nurturing, and comprehensive physical training.

Our Experience and Exploration Week is entirely free and also an opportunity for you and your children  to gain a deeper understanding of our school's friendly and modern international learning environment before making an official enrollment decision.


Experience and Exploration Week – a chance for children to experience first-hand our British style education - Experience and Exploration Week a chance for children to experience British style education

When enrolling in groups of two or more students before October 31, 2024, your family will receive a special tuition discount of 30 million VND for each student in the 2024-2025 school year. (*) 

*The offer will be applied after parents complete the enrollment procedures, including the Registration fee and Security Deposit. The offer cannot be applied with any other school promotions.

To register for Experience and Exploration Week, please contact the school's Admissions Office via:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 028 3758 8033 (Ms. Yen or Ms. Huyen)
  • Address: 44-46, Street No. 1, 6B Intresco Residential Area, Binh Hung, Binh Chanh, Ho Chi Minh City


A child’s brain develops most rapidly between the ages of 2 to 5 years old. This is the golden age range for parents to help their children build a solid foundation, promoting comprehensive future development and a genuine love for learning.

Experience and Exploration Week – a chance for children to experience first-hand our British style education - Experience and Exploration Week a chance for children to experience British style education

Let our Experience and Exploration Week give your child the opportunity to experience an engaging British-style learning environment under the friendly and enthusiastic guidance of BVIS's experienced teachers.


Based on the principle of learning through play, our programme is specially designed to help children develop comprehensively across 7 learning areas, including 3 prime areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, and Physical Development, along with 4 specific areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design.

Experience and Exploration Week – a chance for children to experience first-hand our British style education - Experience and Exploration Week a chance for children to experience British style education

The diverse indoor and outdoor activities at BVIS such as painting, swimming, singing, and color mixing encourage children to freely explore the world around them while developing language, nurturing emotions, and training comprehensive physical skills.


Experience and Exploration Week – a chance for children to experience first-hand our British style education - Experience and Exploration Week a chance for children to experience British style education

Equipped with modern facilities and educational technology, the school's infrastructure is thoughtfully designed to create a safe, attractive, and inspiring learning environment that helps children absorb knowledge and develop their genuine love for learning, developing positive relationships with others in 2 separate languages. Our first class EYFS resources include:

  • Soft playroom and Sports Hall: Allow children to move comfortably and safely.
  • Sandpit: Encourages creativity and exploration.
  • Music room & splash pool: Develop musical and physical skills.
  • Library: Offers a wide range of English and Vietnamese books, with interesting story-telling and individual reading sessions.


Each child develops in their own individual way, so BVIS places special emphasis on personalised teaching and learning practices.

Experience and Exploration Week – a chance for children to experience first-hand our British style education - Experience and Exploration Week a chance for children to experience British style education

After our Experience and Exploration Week has been completed, our school's teaching staff will provide thorough feedback and open discussions, helping you better  understand your child's potential and strengths, thereby identifying the most suitable learning environment for their future development.