Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 July, 2024

Kickstart Our Dynamic Summer School 2024

Kickstart Our Dynamic Summer School 2024 - Kickstart Our Dynamic Summer School 2024

Summer blasted off today Thursday 27 June 2024 as our F1-Year 9 students rocketed into our Space themed Summer School 2024! 

The Orientation morning was full of excitement as students collected their summer school T-shirts and met the teachers who'd be working with them this summer.

Kickstart Our Dynamic Summer School 2024 - Kickstart Our Dynamic Summer School 2024

This first day was a whirlwind of activity. Our youngest astronauts (F1 & F2) busily whipped up delicious treats while in Primary classes, teaching areas became spaceships as students embarked on a three week-long mission to explore the cosmos.  

Over in KS3 for the start of Juilliard Week, Ms Lowry whisked her class away to the magical world of Shakespeare's "The Tempest." They delved into the world of Elizabethan theatre and even experimented with summoning a storm (using the power of music, not magic wands!).