Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 June, 2024

Bursting with unique green school ideas from the Year 6 Eco Project

Bursting with unique green school ideas from the Year 6 Eco Project. - Bursting with unique green school ideas from the Year 6 Eco Project

The Year 6 Eco-Project, held annually at the end of each school year at BVIS, challenges our students to design an ecological school in Vietnam. This project is an opportunity for the students to showcase their creativity, environmental knowledge, and project management skills.

Last week, each student had the chance to present their ideas after three weeks of preparation to convince the judges, including primary and secondary teachers, staff, and secondary students, to invest $1,000,000 to build their school.

Each student started the project by searching for and choosing a suitable location for their school. They also decided on the building materials and methods to provide sustainable energy for the project.

Next, our students created a budget for the project using Excel. Based on this budget, they created a pie chart illustrating how the budget will be utilised.

In the final stage, our students designed a detailed map of the area surrounding their school. This map includes the use of symbols and legends to identify important points, highlighting both natural and artificial geographical features. They also used Canva to build an attractive website and promotional video for their project.

The judges are working hard to decide on the winning project. Stay tuned for the results this week!