Our gifted Year 6 Maths squad, including Susie, Cecilia, Xuan Nam, and Minh Khang, had the opportunity to compete with friends who are passionate about mathematics at the FOBISIA Primary Maths Competition 2023.
All the team members who had the chance to showcase their exceptional math abilities should be commended; specifically, BVIS would like to congratulate Xuan Nam on achieving the Silver Medal in the Individual Test!
The FOBISIA Primary Maths Competition 2023 is an annual event for the most skilled young mathematicians from international schools that are members of the Association of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA).
This year, the competition was held by the Singapore International School of Bangkok, Thailand, with the participation of 26 teams, including 104 students in Years 5 and 6 with excellent mathematical ability from nine countries in the region.
The competition took place over the course of two days, on March 17th and 18th, 2023, and featured five rounds of rigorous competition: Mathematics Mastermind, Maths Amazing Race, Maths Escape Room, Live Buzzer Rounds, and Individual Written Test. The challenges at each round are designed to encourage primary students to enhance teamwork, problem-solving, logical thinking, and critical thinking skills when challenging math conundrums.
Expressing her thoughts on the contest, Cecilia said, "This competition, in my opinion, is fascinating and a lot of fun. My favorite parts of the trip were getting to eat authentic Thai food and making plenty of new friends. I discovered that there are many people who are superior to me, and that I should never give up or stop trying."
With their foreign peers in Thailand, the team gained a number of important experiences. Well done for your achievement!
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