31 May, 2022

The Nord Anglia Education STEAM Festival

The Nord Anglia Education STEAM Festival - The Nord Anglia Education STEAM Festival
The Nord Anglia Education STEAM Festival is hosted annually, which allows students from different schools to work together to tackle projects based on this year's MIT’ challenges.
Over two days (19th and 20th May), a team of 6 Primary students worked together with Mr Penson and Mr Chandler to collaborate with peers from Northbridge International School in Cambodia.


BVIS students


Our collaboration with MIT allows us access to resources, people and professors at the world’s leading university and this connection is providing unique opportunities for our students to develop their understanding of STEAM and the way it can enhance their learning.
The key challenge was called ‘Water World’ and our students had the opportunity to research areas that may be affected by rising sea levels and decide whether they wanted to resettle these areas, build a habitat, or engineer something that will protect these areas. There was a huge flexibility within this challenge for students to show their different strengths and also a level of autonomy in the task so that each school was able to modify it to suit their own students, their resources, and their current learning provision.


BVIS students


Groups could create their designs in VR (Virtual Reality) or AR (Augmented Reality), they could build scale or full-size models, create diagrams or blueprints or any combination of the above.
The festival was an amazing journey of collaboration, critical thinking and creativity for our students!