27 May, 2022

Weekly Highlights 27/05/2022

Weekly Highlights 27/05/2022

Update from the principal

Weekly Highlights 27/05/2022 - Weekly Highlights 27 05 2022 

Mr. Simon Higham, Principal

Dear Parents

Being an integral part of the Nord Anglia Education family has many advantages. All BVIS students have access to the unique collaborations with Juilliard (Drama, Music and Dance),  MIT (STEAM) and UNICEF (Global Community impact). Also, they have a unique login to our Global Campus online platform that gives personalised learning experiences that match individual interests and passions during both term time and during the holidays.

All BVIS teachers are fully qualified, recruited in line with our NAE Safer Recruitment policy and their professionally development is prioritised to ensure they are refining their own pedagogy, year on year. Simply put, we recruit only the world's best teachers who'll help our students achieve more than they ever imagined.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

This week, I have had the privilege of visiting our sister BVIS school in Hanoi and have also met with a fellow Principal from Oxford Sixth Form College in the UK, which is also part of our NAE family. 

In talking with both Principals, it was very evident that although our group of schools is large (77 schools across 31 different countries) the educational philosophy remains clear and consistent – to provide the very best possible education for all children that focuses upon academic excellence, innovative, personalised and inclusive learning for all and within an environment that has a genuine care for the social and emotional wellbeing across each school community.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Developing strong links across our schools, enables BVIS to continue to grow and develop to ensure all students have the best educational opportunities that are possible to offer them. We are already working on plans to improve local and overseas expeditions for the next academic year and are also developing enriching pathways to further develop our student’s global awareness, global mindedness and global leadership.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

This weekend, take time to talk with your child(ren) about what new opportunities they would like to explore during the summer holiday and during the next academic year. I encourage you to ask them the following questions and for you to also reflect on these too:

  • If you could do something new, what would it be?

  • If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would that be and why?

  • What 3 new things will you try over the summer months and how will these help support your move into the next academic year at BVIS?

I would be delighted to hear what your reflections were so please feel free to share them with me via email at:simon.higham@bvisvietnam.com (a small prize will be given to every submission!)

Being able to think and reflect upon what we ‘plan’ to do is simple. Being able to deliver our plans and promises is the challenge we are all looking forward to. Being one great school across a group of 76 others is what all of our BVIS staff are all very excited and enthusiastic about as we continue to move forward, together.

Contact Us

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Should you require any help, support or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information below:

  • For all additional Primary Enquiries, please call /email: 

(028) 3758 0709 / ext. 111 or primaryreception@bvisvietnam.com

  • For all additional Secondary Enquiries, please call / email

(028) 3758 0717 / ext. 211 or secondaryreception@bvisvietnam.com

On behalf of all of our school community, I wish you a very pleasant weekend ahead.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Mrs Mary McAloon, Head of Primary

Community Partner visit in Year 3

This week, Year 3 were fortunate to attend a workshop from VinaCapital Foundation (VCF). The workshop provided the children opportunities through presentations and fun activities, to learn about the work that VCF carries out through its programme, ‘Heartbeat Vietnam’.  This programme helps to fund life-saving heart operations for the most financially disadvantaged children in Vietnam.  

During the workshop, our Year 3 children were able to practice the aide memoire values of Global Citizenship and Vietnamese Perspective through questioning and understanding VCF’s work.  It was a very insightful morning which finished with the children making greetings cards containing ‘get well soon’ messages for the children who have recently had heart surgery.  

The workshop complimented Year 3’s current learning within the topic ‘Human Body’.  They were able to ask questions about the heart, how it functions and find out how doctors can help patients overcome difficulties that they face when they live with heart defects.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

NAE virtual STEAM Festival

Last week, 6 primary students participated in the annual Nord Anglia Education STEAM Festival. The festival was held virtually allowing students from different NAE schools in our region to collaborate on an innovative project.  Each year the challenging project is set by MIT, through one of our unique NAE collaborations, to further enrich our student learning. This collaboration allows our teachers and students access to physical and human resources (including professors) from one of the world’s leading universities to support the development of STEAM at BVIS.

During the festival, the team of students worked together with Mr Dan (our primary science and STEAM coordinator) and Mr Chandler (our whole school STEAM teacher) to collaborate with peers from NAE Northbridge International School in Cambodia. The key challenge was called ‘Water World’ and our students had the opportunity to research areas that may be affected by rising sea levels and decide whether they wanted to resettle in these areas, build a habitat, or engineer something that would protect these areas.

There was flexibility within this challenge for students to show their different strengths.  There was also a level of autonomy in the task so that each school was able to modify it to suit their own students, their resources, and their current learning provision.  

The festival was an amazing journey of collaboration, critical thinking and creativity for our students!  Well done to all involved.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Understand your children more through shared reading: Year 3 to Year 6 parents

Once again, the library was full of excitement on Friday as our Year 3 to Year 6 families were welcomed by Ms Truc and her team to explore what adults can understand about children through reading together. 

Ms Truc began the session by explaining to parents the importance of reading and the many ways we can inspire our children to develop a love of reading. The books children choose to provide an insight into their interests, perspective and inquisitive minds. Taking an interest in a child’s reading as a parent will benefit the interactions within the home and, also bring an enjoyable activity that can connect you even closer to your child(ren).

For the second half of the session children joined their parents in the library to select books and read together. It provided a perfect opportunity for parents to practice the skills that Ms Truc had shared and for Ms Truc and her library team to guide and support. 

Thank you to all families who attended both these library sessions. Look out for more exciting opportunities to join the teachers and children in school over the coming months.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Primary Day Trips

Teachers are busily preparing to take their classes out for a day trip before the term ends. This is another exciting step towards the new normal routines and procedures for us at school. Every student from F1 to Y6 will experience a fun and learning filled trip out of school with their classmates and teachers.  

The trips for F1 to Y5 are being designed with a focus on an area of learning that the students have covered during this academic year.  Our Year 6 students’ trip will take a different theme, instead they will focus on reflection and celebration as they move towards the end of their primary years at BVIS.

Please look out on ClassDojo for important information regarding the date of your child’s day trip and what they need to prepare for the day.

Weekly Highlights 27/05/2022 - Weekly Highlights 27 05 2022 

Upcoming Events

  • 27/5/22 – “Understand your children more through shared reading”: Library Session with Ms Truc for Years 3 to 6 parents

  • 14/6/22 – Year 6 Transition Day

  • 16/6/22 – Year 6 Celebration

BVIS Weekly Highlights

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Mr Jack Rudin, Head of Secondary

Update from the Vietnamese Department

Recently, our Secondary students have been working extra hard due to their important examinations. Below are some tips to help KS3 (Y 7, 8 and 9) and Year 10 students effectively prepare for their Vietnamese Geography and History papers:

When reviewing: 

  • Make a mind map for complicated and detailed contents; reflect on what you have learnt until you fully and clearly comprehend them. 

  • Watch videos related to what you need to review if you feel tired and require an alternative to reading.

  • Take turns with your friends to question and answer, it will help you check if you have carefully reviewed the lessons. 

When completing your examinations:

  • Spend a few minutes scanning the questions, then plan how to answer each part appropriately within the allocated time. 

  • For multiple choice exams, read the questions and write the answers; then compare the answers to the options in the test to ensure that you will choose the most correct one. Do not do the opposite, namely, looking at all options and analysing or choosing; this could distractyour focus and you could choose the wrong answer.

  • For writing tasks, identify key words in the questions and do not forget to underline them before writing.

Above all, do your very best in all that you do. Good luck!

BVIS Weekly Highlights

BVIS Secondary Champion of the Week

A triple champion week in more ways than one this week. We have 3 incredible winners who could not be separated at the top. Congratulations to: Nhu Quynh in 8V, Cindy in 8S and Chrissie in 8V. Amazingly, this is Chrissie’s 3rd week in a row making her a triple Champion by herself. So, a huge well done to all 3 Champions but an extra special congratulations to our triple champion Chrissie!

BVIS Weekly Highlights

BVIS Champion Tutor Group of the Week

With the amazing efforts of Nhu Quynh and Chrissie, you would expect 8V to be this week’s Champion tutor group, but they just missed out on first place by 8S. Well done to everyone in 8S for another close competition this week.

BVIS Gardening Club

Now that we have received our financial grant from NAE to build a school garden thanks to the amazing efforts on Global Campus, it is time for us to start to plan and plant our garden. Therefore, we are starting the first BVIS Gardening and Horticulture Club.

If your child(ren) would like more details regarding this club, please contact Ms Mumby-Cole or Chip from 8I who will be happy to help!

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The health, safety and wellbeing of our students remains the number one priority at BVIS HCMC.

Should you have a concern for the welfare of any child in our school, please refer to our Safeguarding poster below: 

BVIS Weekly Highlights