20 May, 2022

Weekly Highlights 20/05/2022

Weekly Highlights 20/05/2022

Update from the principal

Weekly highlights 20 05 2022 - Weekly highlights 20 05 2022 

Mr. Simon Higham, Principal

Dear parents 

It certainly feels like the wet season is finally upon us, however the rain has not dampened our spirits within school as our student learning continues to go from strength to strength. 

Extra-Curricular Activities are Back!

BVIS Weekly Highlights 

This week, it was a pleasure to see our Primary Extra Curricular Club programme begin again, following a short and very successful sign-up. Many of our primary students are now taking part in 1, 2 or even 3 weekly clubs and our Secondary programme is now also well established. 

On Monday, I had the pleasure of joining our Junior Chef club who were making delicious bean burgers that not only smelled delicious but tasted great too! 

In addition, I enjoyed the enthusiasm and excitement from our football and swimming clubs together with a more restful and creative vibe from our water colour painting club. Well done to all of our children who are attending this enrichment outside of the school curriculum. 

Live Theatre Returns to BVIS

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Last week, I attended a performance of Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ by our 9I and 9B students. Based upon the classic story by William Shakespeare, the students worked in teams to create the costumes, the set, operate the sound and lighting equipment and the marketing requirements.  

Congratulations to everyone involved and we all are looking forward to more live performances to come before the end of this academic year. 

Bucksmore Education Summer Schools 2022

BVIS Weekly Highlights 

In 2021 Bucksmore Education joined our group of Nord Anglia Education schools. Bucksmore offers more than 40 residential summer courses in the UK to students aged between 10 and 18. Located at prestigious boarding schools and Oxford and Cambridge university colleges, these courses span a wide range of activities, from English language foundation to academic enrichment to university experience programmes and more.  

As residential programmes, these courses help to develop essential life skills such as independence and confidence which is ideal for those preparing to soon head off to university. 

As part of Nord Anglia, Bucksmore is offering a 20% discount to all BVIS HCMC families for courses this summer. To find out more, please take a look at this course outline on the Bucksmore website and contact: Ms Carly Balmforth  Carly.Balmforth@nordanglia.com 

As the Buckmore website is only in English, please contact our school Receptionist, who will be more than happy to help you further with any translation (see contact details below). 

Due to COVID-19 restrictions and extensive building upgrades over the Summer holiday, the BVIS Summer School will not take place this year. However, we plan for it to return bigger and better in 2023. 

Supporting Parents in Effective Career Counselling with their Children

Weekly highlights 20 05 2022 - Weekly highlights 20 05 2022 

This week, I read through one of our social media posts that I thought would be useful to share.  

Discussing with your children what career path they might want to take is challenging for parents. Therefore, Mr Luke Curran, our Head of Welfare, Guidance and Support has suggested 3 tips to support parents in helping their children choose the correct subjects and university destination.

He suggests that parents should consider the following 3 factors that include:  

  • Find the right time for everyone to sit down and talk  
  • Avoid forcing children to take part – allow them to talk when they are ready to do so 
  • Be active together to find the most up to date information regarding university destinations and subject requirements. 

These conversations will also happen at school with your children but be prepared to continue them at home. Should you require any further information, advice or support, please contact the Secondary Reception (details below) who will help you to find the most appropriate person to talk to. 

Contact Us

Should you require any help, support or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information below:

  • For all additional Primary Enquiries, please call /email: 

(028) 3758 0709 / ext. 111 orprimaryreception@bvisvietnam.com

  • For all additional Secondary Enquiries, please call / email

(028) 3758 0717 / ext. 211 or secondaryreception@bvisvietnam.com

Have a great weekend ahead from all of us at BVIS!

BVIS Weekly Highlights

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Mrs Mary McAloon, Head of Primary

Year 3 are inspired by Chocolate! 

Educational research tells us that when children are enthused about their learning, they are more likely to succeed and achieve more than often expected.  Therefore, our BVIS teachers always plan fun and inspiring learning activities that ‘hook’ the children’s interests and motivate them to try their best and challenge their learning.  

This week as part of the Lien Ket topic on ‘Chocolate’, Year 3 teachers hosted a ‘Chocolate Fun Morning’.  The activities were cross-curricular and were set up purposefully to inspire the children’s writing tasks in literacy.  The children had a blind taste test of chocolate, a chocolate scavenger hunt, made crispy chocolate cakes and took part in a ‘chocolate’ quiz on all they have learned about chocolate.  Following the morning of fun, the children wrote about their experiences in a recount that was then sent as an informal email.  In summary, the majority of the children concluded that they really do like chocolate! 

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Inspire a love of reading with your child: EYFS to Year 2 parents

The library was full of excitement on Friday as families were welcomed by Ms Truc and her team to explore the magic of books.  Ms Truc began the session by explaining to parents the importance of reading and the many ways we can inspire our children to develop a love of reading.  Stories shared with children support a variety of areas of development from early as birth. It is clear that a child’s listening and attention skills are encouraged and nurtured through reading, but in addition skills within personal, social/emotional development and understanding the world are also developed.  

For the second half of the session children joined their parents in the library to select books and read together.  It provided a perfect opportunity for parents to practice the skills that Ms Truc had shared and for Ms Truc and her library team to guide and support.  Thank you to all families who attended the session.  Next week we welcome families from Years 3 to 6 for a session tailored to their children’s age.  Current parents, please look out for the email that includes details of how to register.

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Primary Open Morning

On Wednesday we were proud to host an open morning for new families who are interested in joining our great community and choosing BVIS for their children.  As we toured the school and entered lessons, it was clear how our children are always inquisitive, active and engaged in their learning.  From seeing the collaborative ‘Quiz-Quiz-Trade’ activity in Year 3 to practical Science in Y6, followed by our BVIS phonics approach mirrored in both Vietnamese and English, there was an impressive amount to see, just as there always is.  With your support as parents at home, the children are able to develop the great attitude to learning seen on Wednesday.  To sustain this and continue to support, I encourage all parents to connect and engage with their child’s class teachers.  Asking questions and sharing any feedback is an important factor in helping your child grow and develop. 

Weekly highlights 20 05 2022 - Weekly highlights 20 05 2022

Upcoming Events

27/5/22 – “Growing Stronger Readers”: Library Session with Ms Truc for Years 3 to 6 parents 

14/6/22 – Year 6 Transition Day 

16/6/22 – Year 6 Celebration 

BVIS Weekly Highlights

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Mr Jack Rudin, Head of Secondary

Secondary Champion of the Week

A massive congratulations to Chrissie in 8V who has made it 2 weeks in a row as Champion of the Week. Congratulations Chrissie on yet another huge effort. Can anyone take her crown next week? 

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Champion Tutor Group of the Week

Despite Chrissie’s best efforts 8V have just missed out on being champions due to a huge effort from 10S who are this week’s Champion Tutor Group.  

Well done to 10S – every single student in this tutor group gained at least one housepoint this week to make them top of the list!  

FOBISIA Poetry Competition

The FOBISIA Poetry Competition is open to all Secondary Students from FOBISIA Member Schools. Each year, a theme is set, and schools enter a small number of poems from a specific age category.  Last year, Minh Anh in 8S represented BVIS HCMC and came first with her poem about powerful childhood memories and the wonder of nostalgia. 

This year, three Y8 students have had their poems chosen to compete against the other FOBISIA schools’ entrants. These students worked hard crafting poems that linked to the theme of “Survival”.  

They originally explored different forms of survival, including mental, physical, and emotional. They then mind mapped the various events and situations someone might need to survive. Finally, they drafted and redrafted poems that were emotive, creative, and memorable. 

This year’s entrants are Ruby (8I), Annie (8B) and BQ (8I).  

The winners will be announced in the coming weeks but to the BVIS English Department, they are already winners, and their poems represent the deep thoughtfulness and linguistic power we like to encourage.  

BVIS Weekly Highlights

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The health, safety and wellbeing of our students remains the number one priority at BVIS HCMC.

Should you have a concern for the welfare of any child in our school, please refer to our Safeguarding poster below: 

BVIS Weekly Highlights