17 May, 2020

Class of 2020 - Where are they heading to after graduation?

Class of 2020 - Where are they heading to after graduation? | BVIS HCMC | Nord Anglia - class-of-2020-where-are-they-heading-to-after-graduation
Class of 2020 - Where are they heading to after graduation? As our Class of 2020 are reaching the end of their educational journey at BVIS HCMC, we are delighted to announce their exciting upcoming destinations in life.

As our Class of 2020 are reaching the end of their educational journey at BVIS HCMC, we are delighted to announce their exciting upcoming destinations in life.

This academic year has been unprecedented and challenging for students across the globe. Our Class of 2020 though have continuously shown their fantastic independence and resilience in making their exceptional effort to move forward with their A Level programme and receive offers from their dream University destinations.

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During their final two years at BVIS, we offer a range of exciting courses within globally recognised AS & A Level programmes, which are tailored to the needs and aspirations of the individual students. Mr Luke Curran – our University & College Guidance Counsellor worked hard with our students to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills to make the right choices regarding their future as well as give an extra edge in their university’s applications.

Universities worldwide highly value our International A Level programme as it develops confident learners, deep subject knowledge, and excellent critical thinking skills that supports our students’ smooth transition to the university system of any country. Most students of Class of 2020 continue their studies in the USA, Australia, the UK, Canada or Switzerland with multiple offers from prestigious institutions worldwide. 26% of our students have chosen, the USA and Australia, which  are the most favourable destinations among our Class of 2020. The destinations recorded so far from our cohort saw a variety of career aspirations in different fields including business management, computer engineering, psychology, digital marketing, hotel management and much more, thanks to a variety of subjects options available at BVIS.

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Our students graduate with a global perspective and a great sense of pride in their heritage.  They are well-equipped to pursue their passions and ambitions wherever they choose to go. This excellent outcome is not only due to the students’ efforts but also the incredible hard work put in by the school’s teachers throughout the year to ensure our students experience the best in learning.

From the entire BVIS HCMC Community we would like to say a huge congratulations to our Class of 2020. We cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you!