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Nord Anglia
24 March, 2023

Principal's update (20/3 - 24/3)

Principal's update (20/3 - 24/3) Highlight school news and sharing from our Principal (March 20 to March 24)

Dear parents,

Mr Paul Holyome Principal EN
1. End of Term 2's whole school assembly

We have reached the end of a very busy and successful term. I would like to thank you all for your enormous support in making BVIS such a special place to be.

We have continued right until the end and concluded the term today with a whole school assembly.

2.  Representatives of students attending UNICEF conference in this summer

As you are aware we have a great link with UNICEF and each year we select tow students to travel to America to represent the school. I am delighted to announce that our two school representatives this year will be:

Van Khue UNICEF 11V_Eng Kim Lan UNICEF 11B_Eng

Congratulations to them both!

3.  BVIS Hanoi received $16,000 from NAE Social Grants

As you know, our students are actively involved in supporting the community through various important projects to help those who are less advantaged than us. I am very proud to announce that our students - Tien Dat (KS5-I), Duc Loc (KS5-N), Linh Chi (10S), My Linh (10S), Khanh Chi (9S), Quang Anh (9V) have been successful in securing extra funding of $16,000 from NAE to support this important work – well done to those students on such a fantastic achievement.

4. CIS Survey 2023's results

The CIS Survey's results are here and if you want to know more details, please visit this article.


Finally, on behalf of the school, I wish you all a very relaxing and happy Spring holiday. School will resume on Monday 10th April and we look forward to seeing you then for the final term of the year.


Paul Holyome
