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Nord Anglia
17 February, 2023

Principal's update (13/2 - 17/2)

Principal's update (13/2 - 17/2) Highlight school news and sharing from our Principal (February 13 to February 17) _K3A602601

Dear Parents


1. Re-accreditation from CIS/WASC

We have now received the final report from the CIS/WASC visit that took place in November. I am delighted to announce that we have been formally told that we can proceed to the re-accreditation stage of the process. I am also delighted to announce that the school received an outstanding result with over 35 commendations for the school.

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2. CIS Parents Survey

Related to this, please be reminded that we require as many families as possible to complete the community survey that we sent out last week, please do take the time to complete the survey. This will help the school enormously in the re-accreditation process.

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3. Information evening: A Level Qualification

On 27th February Mrs Lisa Shuttleworth-Brown and I will be leading an information session on the International A Level program that we run here at BVIS. We will be giving information on the course, comparison to other programs and why study International A Levels at this session.


The registration link has been sent from Secondary Office, please click HERE to register if you haven’t done so.

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4. Summer School 2023

I am delighted to announce that we have over 100 families registered for summer school and places are filling very fast.

If you would like to register for your children, please register HERE and pay the tuition fee before 1 March 2023 to get 20% discount.


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I wish you all a very relaxing weekend!