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Nord Anglia
22 February, 2021

Secondary Daily Virtual School Update 22/02/2021

Secondary Daily Virtual School Update 22/02/2021 We update parents the information on our Attendance record and Engagement data weekly [[]]

Attendance record

Every day we will contact if students are absent:

Day 1: Form tutor

Day 2: Head of Year

Day 3: Assistant Head

Day 4: Head of Secondary – Ms. Lisa Shuttleworth-Brown

Engagement data weekly

Level 1: Exemplary engagement in their remote learning

Level 2: Very good engagement in their remote learning

Level 3: Inconsistent engagement in their remote learning

Level 4: No engagement in their remote learning

If 4 or more lessons get engagement grades at level 3 or 4: Deputy Head of Secondary will contact parents

If all of the lessons get engagement grades at level 1: Head of Secondary will send super star email to parents

Subject teachers will contact you with special concerns/ Giáo viên bộ môn sẽ liên hệ tới phụ huynh nếu có bất kỳ quan ngại nào.