
When your child starts at BSN, they're automatically enrolled into a House. This is a great way for them to make new friends and feel part of a community.

We have four Houses, which each have a historical name. They are:

  1. Normans (red).
  2. Saxons (green).
  3. Romans (blue).
  4. Vikings (yellow).


Nanjing House Sysyem 


Early years and primary

Our early years and primary school House system has two elements.

Students are rewarded for doing their best in the curriculum and for their personal development. We focus particularly on effort. House Points are an immediate reward and we always explain to children why they've received them. The bar for getting a House Point is set high. This adds value, and ensures our children are motivated to do their best. Interactive systems record and track each child's points.

Our early years students take part in a fun activity, Golden Time, as a reward for good behaviour. Primary students take part in inter-House competitions. This includes sports days, swimming galas, general knowledge quizzes, and music competitions.


Our secondary school House system has three parts.

Morning and afternoon registration

Students are registered in their House tutor groups. Tutor groups contain a mix of year groups and students are encouraged to work together with their friends.
Rewards system

Students earn House Points for their effort and achievement in academic subjects, and marbles in recognition of good character, including the seven values of our school charter. Marbles are collected by the House in return for rewards at set times during the year.
Inter-House competitions

Students compete in sports days, swimming galas, and other competitions organised by academic departments.

Each House has two leaders: one for Year 6-8 students and one for Year 9-13 students. House Captains are elected at the start of the year. Each tutor group also leads one assembly per year, guided by the House Captain.

House Points

Positivity, encouragement, recognition, and reward drive good behaviour in our school. House Points are entered onto each student's record. They're highly prized, and also count towards the overall House Cup.
Attainment and attitude to learning are celebrated in senior school assemblies. Every month, one student in each House group is nominated for an award in recognition of the number of House Points they receive. There are also awards for students who perform consistently well in end of term and year exams.