Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 July, 2023

BSN Campus Upgrades

BSN Campus Upgrades - BSN Campus Upgrades

At The British School of Nanjing, we are all about putting our students first. Research shows that having caring and high-quality teachers is essential for academic success, but that doesn't mean our facilities take a backseat.


Our classrooms are equipped with modern infrastructure and technology to foster innovation and keep students engaged. Interactive whiteboards not only facilitate effective teaching but also encourage active participation from students.


Our library is open and accessible, offering an extensive collection of books that serves as a hub for knowledge, instilling a love for reading and learning. Our well-equipped laboratories empower students to explore complex scientific concepts through hands-on experimentation.

We believe in providing a holistic learning experience, which is why our outdoor areas and sports facilities are vital. They encourage physical activity, promote a healthy lifestyle, and develop teamwork and leadership skills.


We are committed to continuous improvement, and every year, we invest considerable time and effort into summer renovations. Recently, we've added a 3rd fully equipped laboratory to our Science Suite, a 3rd Art Studio, and upgraded our theatre with a new sound system and LED-screen.


This summer, our focus has been on enhancing the outdoor areas. We've created a new play area for primary students and completely remodeled our Early Years outdoor spaces, providing more areas to explore and a dedicated learning zone for experiential play. For older students, we've introduced a new outdoor seating area near the café and a long-jump track and pit to boost our sports provision.


Inside, we've designed an enchanting indoor forest in our Early Years Library to inspire young learners to become avid readers. Even our toddler room has received a new look to appeal to the youngest members of our community.


Alongside these improvements, we've been diligently re-plastering, repairing, and repainting to ensure our campus is ready for an exciting new school year.


Our school renovation efforts are all about creating an inspiring and nurturing environment for our students. By upgrading our facilities, modernizing the structure, and thoughtfully designing spaces, we aim to promote learning, creativity, and personal growth. When students return to our renovated school, they'll step into an environment that values their well-being, encourages curiosity, and prepares them to excel academically and in all aspects of life.