Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
29 September, 2020

Head of Primary School Welcome

Head of Primary School Welcome - head-of-primary-school-welcome
Head of Primary School Welcome  Welcome to our new Head of Primary!

Dear parents and children, 

I am thrilled to be writing to you once again as the Head of Primary School at the British School of Nanjing, a role I am very proud to take up again after a seven year absence! 

Like so many of you, I am currently experiencing working virtually from home, where I am quarantined until the end of the October holiday. There are certainly many positives: there is no queue for the photocopier and my commute has never been shorter! It has also given me time to dig out a few old photos and reflect on some of my favourite memories from my previous experiences at BSN. 

Whether it is dressing up for UN Day or Book Week, rolling up your sleeves for a practical learning activity, or getting up on stage for that very first class assembly, education at BSN is an experience which remains with you for the rest of your life. Both myself and our new teachers can’t wait to make new life-long memories with your children at The British School of Nanjing. 


We are incredibly grateful to Mrs Sutherland for leading Year 1B until Mrs Hinkel (another returning staff member!) takes over after the October holiday; to Mrs van de Merwe for teaching Year 2B as cover for Miss Cooper, and to Mr Allen, who has been keeping Miss Wilson’s chair warm for her in Year 5A. I am also indebted to Mr Dolan, who has done an incredible job of leading the Primary School in my absence. As you can see from the photos and stories below, they have certainly been busy this half term! 


I look forward to meeting you all in October, 

Best wishes, 


Matthew Jones 

Head of Primary